This data represents water quality of a selection of river and stream sites in South Dublin County. The samples are collected at a monthly frequency and are collected by South Dublin County Council staff and analysed by Dublin City Council’s accredited laboratory on Marrowbone...
Temporal land use patterns and livestock numbers (sheep) across several river catchmentsAgricultureTemporal land use patterns and livestock numbers across several river catchments. Within DAFM the Land Parcel Identification System (LPIS) division generated a list of herds who had land in each river catchment area for a select number of river catchments from 2014-2020. The...
This data represents water quality of a selection of river and stream sites in South Dublin County. The samples are collected at a monthly frequency and are collected by South Dublin County Council staff and analysed by Dublin City Council’s accredited laboratory on Marrowbone...
EnvironmentAbstract: This data shows the embankments forming part of Drainage Districts. Embankments are walls of soil or sods that were constructed to protect low lying ground from flooding (not properties). Drains and sluices or pumps were also provided to take away rainwater that fell...
Abstract: This data shows the land that was drained as part of the Drainage District. The original maps also identified other land owned by the same landowner so as to calculate the appropriate charge for maintenance. Drainage Districts were carried out by the Commissioners of...
EnvironmentAbstract: This data shows the watercourses forming part of Drainage Districts. Drainage Districts were carried out by the Commissioners of Public Works under a number of drainage and navigation acts from 1842 to the 1930s to improve land for agriculture and to mitigate...
Abstract: This data shows Land Commision (LC) Benefiting Areas associated with the works carried out by landowners typically in the 19th century, that individual landowners have a responsibility to maintain. The benefited lands identifies land that was drained as part of the...
EnvironmentAbstract: This data shows Land Commision (LC) Embankments constructed by landowners typically in the 19th century, that individual land owners have a responsibility to maintain. These are man made raised structures of natural materials, constructed to protect low lying ground...
Abstract: This data shows Arterial Drainage Scheme (ADS) Benefiting Areas associated with the schemes constructed under the Arterial Drainage Acts 1945 & 1995, that OPW have a statutory obligation to maintain. The benefited lands identifies land that was drained as part of...
Abstract: This data shows Arterial Drainage Scheme (ADS) Channels constructed under the Arterial Drainage Acts 1945 & 1995, that OPW has a statutory obligation to maintain. These channels are either modified watercourses or constructed channels/drains to enhance the...
Pollution Impact Potential (PIP) maps were generated separately for nitrate and phosphate to rank critical source areas (CSAs) relative to one another from diffuse agriculture for both the groundwater and surface water receptor. The PIP maps are generated by the EPA Catchment...
Pollution Impact Potential (PIP) maps were generated separately for nitrate and phosphate to rank critical source areas (CSAs) relative to one another from diffuse agriculture for both the groundwater and surface water receptor. The PIP maps are generated by the EPA Catchment...
Register of Protected Areas - SAC Conservation Objective Species River Waterbodies (WFD RBMP Cycl...EnvironmentThis dataset represents a snapshot taken in September 2016 for the purpose of the WFD RBMP Cycle 2. WFD River Waterbodies intersecting with Designated Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) Conservation Objective Species under the EU Habitats Directive (together with the Birds...
Pollution Impact Potential (PIP) maps were generated separately for nitrate and phosphate to rank critical source areas (CSAs) relative to one another from diffuse agriculture for both the groundwater and surface water receptor. The PIP maps are generated by the EPA Catchment...
EnvironmentPollution Impact Potential (PIP) maps were generated separately for nitrate and phosphate to rank critical source areas (CSAs) relative to one another from diffuse agriculture for both the groundwater and surface water receptor. The PIP maps are generated by the EPA Catchment...
EnvironmentThis water flow network dataset is a route feature class rather than a simple polyline. The geometry is generated by merging the river lines of individual geometric network datasets. This layer contains an integrated flow network that includes known flow connections through...
These are coastal, transitional, river and lake water bodies that have a High-Status Objective under the Water Framework Directive.
Water Framework Directive (WFD) River Waterbodies (RWB) are the management and reporting units for the WFD. WFD RWB is a polyline shapefile dataset which is formed from a river routes dataset. Waterbodies are assigned types depending on their likely WFD status classification...
This national rivers dataset is a route feature class rather than a simple polyline. The geometry is generated by merging the river lines of individual geometric network datasets.
EnvironmentSignificant pressures have been identified for waterbodies that are At Risk of not meeting their water quality objectives under the Water Framework Directive. While there are a multitude of pressures in every waterbody, the significant pressures are those pressures which need...