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  • The Northern shores of Shannon Estuary are a major natural resource with significantly deep water close to the shore. The potential of the natural deepwater sheltered Estuary, the proximity of the Estuary to national road links to Ennis, Shannon Airport and the West of...
    This map shows the areas where sub-bottom profile data is available in Irish waters. Sub-bottom profile data shows the rock features and the sediment layers that are below the seabed. A sub-bottom profile is created by sending sound waves from the vessel to the seabed. The...
    Sub-bottom profile data shows the rock features and the sediment layers that are below the seabed. A sub-bottom profile is created by sending sound waves from the vessel to the seabed. The length of time it takes for these sound wave to return from the seabed to the vessel is...
    The INtegrated Mapping FOr the Sustainable Development of Ireland's MArine Resource (INFOMAR) programme is a joint venture between the Geological Survey of Ireland (GSI) and the Marine Institute (MI). The programme is the successor to the Irish National Seabed Survey (INSS)...
    The MSFD commission staff working paper (CSWP) defines predominant habitat types required for use in MSFD habitats initial reporting article 8 Analysis of essential features and characteristics (Art 8.1a Habitats). These predominant habitat typologies broadly correspond to...
    Data from the underway system includes observations and measurements of meteorological (e.g. air temperature, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, wind speed and direction) at 10m above sea level and oceanographic (e.g. sea surface temperature/salinity) at approximately 3m...
    Sea surface temperature was collected via permanent scientific equipment on board the MI research vessel RV Celtic Voyager. Data includes temperature from the hull mounted sensor known as 'Hull Sea Temperature' and temperature/salinity from the temperature sensor known as...
    19 sample stations including CTD, Plankton Net, Boxcore and ROV taken on board the RV Celtic Explorer in April 2011 during the Biodiscovery and deep ocean ecosystems survey. A large instrument package called a CTD is the standard workhorse of oceanographers for acquiring water...
    38 sample stations including CTD, Zooplankton Net and Phytoplankton Net taken on board the RV Celtic Voyager in September 2008 during the Bright Sparks Award survey. A large instrument package called a CTD is the standard workhorse of oceanographers for acquiring water column...
    Target fishing ground for Nephrops norvegicus determined from Vessel Monitoring System data. The original classes assigned to the data were translated to the EUNIS habitat classification system as part of the MESH Atlantic project. Nephrops habitats map covers the Nephrops...
    This data shows the depth of the seabed around Ireland. The data was collected in 1996 and between 2000 and 2022. Bathymetry is the measurement of how deep is the sea. Bathymetry is the study of the shape and features of the seabed. The name comes from Greek words meaning...
  • Temperature and salinity measurements taken from the Weather Buoys. Temperature and salinity instrumentation associated with mooring.
    Celtic Seas nearshore habitats classified to EUNIS habitat classification. The EUNIS habitat classification is a comprehensive pan-European system to facilitate the harmonised description and collection of data across Europe through the use of criteria for habitat...
    113 sample stations including Underwater TV Camera, CTD, Zooplankton Net, Phytoplankton Net, Ring Net, Hand Net, Dip Net and Neuston Net taken on board the RV Celtic Voyager in June 2009 during Marine Institute/Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine sponsored survey...
    The location of and other information about (a) identified bathing waters (beaches and lakes) under the Bathing Water Quality Directive 2006/7/EC which is implemented in Ireland through the Bathing Water Quality Regulations 2008, and (b) other monitored waters not managed...
    Research ships working at sea map the seafloor. The ships collect bathymetry data. Bathymetry is the measurement of how deep the sea is. Bathymetry is the study of the shape and features of the seabed. The name comes from Greek words meaning "deep" and “measure". Backscatter...
    Information on any current in-season bathing water incidents and any bathing restrictions issued for identified bathing waters (beaches and lakes) under the Bathing Water Quality Directive 2006/7/EC which is implemented in Ireland through the Bathing Water Quality Regulations...
    This dataset consists of marine habitat information around Valentia island. The habitats are classified according to the European Nature Information System (EUNIS). The EUNIS habitat classification is a comprehensive pan-European system to facilitate the harmonised description...
    The dataset provides sea surface temperature and sea temperature information from a network of internal logging temperature sensors at 17 locations around the Irish coast. The TidbiT Temperature loggers have recorded hourly at each site providing a comprehensive time series...
    106 stations including CTD, UWTV, Shippek and Anchor Dredge taken on board the RV Celtic Voyager in August 2013. A large instrument package called a CTD is the standard workhorse of oceanographers for acquiring water column profiles. It is called a CTD because as a minimum it...
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