Census 2011 Results

Category: Society
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Central Statistics Office (CSO) publishes the Census 2011 results as interactive tables, compiled reports, community profiles, population maps and boundary files.

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Resource: census-2011-results-3-csv

URL: http://www.cso.ie/en/census/census2011griddataset/

Census 2011 was the first time where each household and dwelling was linked to spatial coordinates, thereby offering greater flexibility in relation to the production of geographical outputs. The result of this linkage means that grid cells of equal size can be used to disseminate data from the 2011 census. The advantages of grids are that they offer independence from existing administrative boundaries (which can facilitate cross-border analysis) and provide a better representation of the spatial distribution of the population.The 1 Km² grid dataset is available in the Irish Transverse Mercator (EPSG Code 2157) as a comma delimited values file (.csv) and in vector format (.shp). It is also available in the ETRS89 Lambert Azimuthal Equal-Area (EPSG Code 3035) projection on request.

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Data last updated 27 May 2014
Metadata last updated 27 May 2014
Created 27 May 2014
Format CSV
License cc-by
Has viewsTrue
Package idf52ed784-308d-47a6-af42-0c5ae257124e
High Value Dataset (HVD) Resource
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