CFRAM Modelled River Centrelines

Category: Society
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Abstract: This data shows the centre-line of rivers that have been modelled to generate the CFRAM flood maps. It is an indicator of the channels that have been included in the river network model and from which the resultant fluvial flood extents have been derived.

Data has been produced for the 'Areas of Further Assessment' (AFAs), as required by the EU 'Floods' Directive [2007/60/EC] and designated under the Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment, and also for other reaches between the AFAs and down to the sea that are referred to as 'Medium Priority Watercourses' (MPWs). River reaches that have been modelled are indicated by the CFRAM Modelled River Centrelines dataset.

Flooding from other reaches of river may occur, but has not been mapped, and so areas that are not shown as being within a flood extent may therefore be at risk of flooding from unmodelled rivers (as well as from other sources).

The purpose of the Flood Maps is not to designate individual properties at risk of flooding. They are community-based maps.

Lineage: The modelled river centrelines data is a derivative of the Environmental Protection Agency River Network dataset, which is released as Open Data under the CC BY 4.0 licence.

Fluvial and coastal flood map data is developed using hydrodynamic modelling, based on calculated design river flows and extreme sea levels, surveyed channel cross-sections, in-bank / bank-side / coastal structures, Digital Terrain Models, and other relevant datasets (e.g. land use, data on past floods for model calibration, etc.).

The process may vary for particular areas or maps. Technical Hydrology and Hydraulics Reports set out full technical details on the derivation of the flood maps.

For fluvial flood levels, calibration and verification of the models make use of the best available data, including hydrometric records, photographs, videos, press articles and anecdotal information. Subject to the availability of suitable calibration data, models are verified in so far as possible to target vertical water level accuracies of approximately +/-0.2m for areas within the AFAs, and approximately +/-0.4m along the MPWs.

Purpose: The data has been developed to comply with the requirements of the European Communities (Assessment and Management of Flood Risks) Regulations 2010 to 2015 (the “Regulations”) (implementing Directive 2007/60/EC) for the purposes of establishing a framework for the assessment and management of flood risks, aiming at the reduction of adverse consequences for human health, the environment, cultural heritage and economic activity associated with floods.

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Field Value
Data last updated 31 January 2025
Metadata last updated 5 February 2025
Created 31 January 2025
Format SHP
License Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0
Has viewsTrue
Package idcfd83ea8-122b-44f3-8a70-1dda4a42ee7e
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