Conemara Trails

Published by: Compass Informatics
Category: Science
Views: 53
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Dataset owned and provided by Irish Sports Council

Dataset represents Way Marked Wyas, Looped Walks & Cycle routes in Conemara;

Dataset attributed with trail 'Name', 'Category', 'Grade, 'Format' & 'Lenght'

For further information on trails and routes in Ireland contact;


The National Trails Office is the unit within the Irish Sports Council that coordinates the recreational trails programme. The work of the National Trails Office is guided by the Irish Trails Strategy which was published by the Irish Sports Council in 2007.

The functions of the NTO include;

¦increase awareness about Irish trails and the range of activities and pursuits that can be undertaken on trails. ¦inform trail policy at National level ¦guide, facilitate and monitor the planning, provision and maintenance of trails at local (county) and regional levels ¦develop a strategic national trails development plan ¦establish a classification system for Irish trails and agree /monitor trail standards ¦provide a technical advisory service on all new trail development projects, ensuring compliance with recommended standards ¦coordinate a trail quality assurance programme ¦maintain an up to date register of all approved trail developments ¦coordinate trail education & training for the Irish trail community ¦carry out research to assist the development of trails in Ireland

Data Resources (1)

available as arcsde connection
Theme Science
Date updated 2010-11-22
Rights notes {"Seek Permissions","Seek Permissions",otherRestrictions}
Language English
Geographic coverage in GeoJSON format {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-10.294525, 53.210453],[-10.294525, 54.30265], [-8.687069, 54.30265], [-8.687069, 53.210453], [-10.294525, 53.210453]]]}
Spatial Reference Systems (SRS) TM65 / Irish Grid (EPSG:29902)
Provenance information Data provided by Irish Sports Council and National Trails Office For further information on the National Trails Office and its work on recreational trails in Ireland and the Irish Trails Strategy contact Cormac on or 00 353 1 8608823.