Corine Landcover 2018 (ITM)
Data Resources (2)
available as html
available as html
Theme | Environment |
Date released | 2018-11-28 |
Date updated | 2020-07-23 |
Dataset conforms to these standards | The INSPIRE Directive or INSPIRE lays down a general framework for a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) for the purposes of European Community environmental policies and policies or activities which may have an impact on the environment. |
Rights notes | {"no limitations",,license} |
Update frequency | Other |
Language | English |
Landing page | |
Geographic coverage in GeoJSON format | {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-10.47472, 51.44555],[-10.47472, 55.37999], [-6.01306, 55.37999], [-6.01306, 51.44555], [-10.47472, 51.44555]]]} |
Spatial Reference Systems (SRS) | Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM, EPSG:2157) |
Vertical Extent | {"verticalDomainName": "EPSG Projection 5731 - Malin Head height", "minVerticalExtent": "0", "maxVerticalExtent": "1014"} |
Provenance information | The Corine Land Cover database for Ireland has been updated for the reference year 2018. The CORINE 2018 25ha landcover dataset is one of three deliverables of the CORINE 2018 project. The main objective of the project was the detection, identification and mapping of all land cover status above 25 ha. Satellite image from April 2017 – March 2018 served as the basis for image interpretation. The Irish CORINE 2018 project follows on from the semi-automated production methodology which was designed during the CORINE 2012 project. This approach uses national in-situ geo-spatial information on agriculture, forestry and water bodies from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM), the Forest Service, Coillte and the EPA. These data sources were used alongside remote sensing based interpretation of satellite imagery (Sentinel 2, Landsat, SPOT and IRS) to identify landcover status and landcover change. A tool developed by the CORINE technical team was then used in an ArcGIS environment to combine the revised CORINE2012 and the 5ha 2012-2018 change dataset to produce the final CORINE 2018 25ha landcover dataset. |
Period of time covered (begin) | 2006-01-01 |
Period of time covered (end) | 2012-01-01 |
High Value Dataset (HVD) | No |