CV16005 SMART NUI Galway SEMRU 2016 Survey Cork Harbour

Published by: Marine Institute
Category: Environment
Views: 10
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SMART NUI Galway SEMRU 2016 Survey undertaken in Cork Harbour. Training will focus on multidisciplinary research methods for studying the marine environment, using the core disciplines of fisheries, benthic biology, oceanography, and marine geophysics. The course takes advantage of the wide range of economic activities clustered in and around Cork Harbour to provide students with hands on experience of the multidisciplinary methods used to collect data that can input into the models economists use for analysing and costing the impacts of human activities on the marine environment. These data collection methods will address mapping of the seabed, the extent of fisheries and shellfisheries resources in Cork Harbour and its approaches, human impacts on water quality and wave, swell and weather readings from an offshore marine monitoring platform. The learning objectives on the that the training supports may be summarised as: * Understand the relevance of economic concepts and models to marine resource issues and policies. * Rigorously evaluate the economic impacts of marine management policies * Explain the linkages between economics and environmental science in the marine sector * Communicate with stakeholders working in the ocean economy * Assess the potential of the residents and political and community leaders in coastal areas to design, implement, and sustain policies that balance growth, development, and resource conservation in vulnerable coastal zones * Estimate non-market values for ocean and coastal resources. * Use critical thinking skills, have proficiency and skills of oral and written presentation of ideas and concepts.

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Data last updated 4 March 2025
Metadata last updated 4 March 2025
Created 4 March 2025
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License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Package ida204e7a6-65b5-44ab-98f3-25439310456f
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