CE18012 Exploiting and conserving deep-sea genetic resources: Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) cruise II

Published by: Marine Institute
Category: Environment
Views: 18
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This 12 day survey took place on board the RV Celtic Explorer in August 2018 led National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG) in the North East Atlantic Ocean. The survey was carried out to collect fauna (specifically sponges and corals) using the ROV. 12 science dives were carried out as well as high definition video data recorded. The wider objectives of the Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) project were to: (1) target biodiscovery research at cnidarian (coral) and sponge species that occur in Ireland’s offshore waters, via a comprehensive collecting and screening programme. (2) predict the likelihood of novel products being found in any other sponge or coral species occurring in Irish deep waters, based on the known relationships between species (knowing that secondary metabolite evolution often mirrors taxon evolution) and based on data both generated during the project and already available on potential novel natural products. (3) analyse the distribution of species with predicted biodiscovery potential to provide maps of ‘biodiscovery hotspots’ which will allow more cost efficient future exploitation and also provide information that will facilitate their effective conservation.

Data Resources (6)

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Theme Environment
Date released 2020-02-12
Date updated 2025-02-21
Dataset conforms to these standards See the referenced specification
Rights notes {"While every effort is made in preparing the dataset no responsibility is accepted by or on behalf of the Marine Institute for any errors, omissions or misleading information. The Marine Institute accepts no responsibility for loss or damage occasioned or claimed to have been occasioned, in part or in full, as a consequence of any person acting, or refraining from acting as a result of a matter contained in this datasets or as a consequence of using this dataset for any purpose whatsoever.","A Creative Commons (CC) license is one of several public copyright licenses that enable the free distribution of an otherwise copyrighted work. A CC license is used when an author wants to give people the right to share, use, and build upon a work that they have created. Under Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 the following is granted: Rights Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format; Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially. The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms. Requirements Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.",CC%20BY%204.0}
Update frequency Other
Language English
Geographic coverage in GeoJSON format {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-25.000816176, 46.83333347],[-25.000816176, 57.366661531], [-5.27233311, 57.366661531], [-5.27233311, 46.83333347], [-25.000816176, 46.83333347]]]}
Spatial Reference Systems (SRS) WGS 84 (EPSG:3857)
Provenance information Data supplied by Marine Institute.
Period of time covered (begin) 2018-08-11
Period of time covered (end) 2018-08-23
High Value Dataset (HVD) No