Employment Zonings (CDP 2022 - 2028)

Category: Government
Views: 100
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This chapter will set out the objectives of the County Development Plan for the sustainable development of Wicklow’s economy that are relevant to and implementable through a land-use plan. Economic opportunity is identified as one of the over-arching and cross cutting themes that informs the County Development Plan. Economic development and employment is one of the key elements in delivering sustainable communities. In accordance with the National Planning Framework (NPF), the Eastern and Midland Region will accommodate around 320,000 additional people in employment by 2040. It is important that the objectives in the County Development Plan are sufficiently agile to accommodate new employment opportunities in the County thereby improving resilience and reducing the number of people undertaking daily long distance commutes. The land-use objectives of this plan aim to support the strategies of the Wicklow Local Economic and Community Plan and the Wicklow Local Enterprise Office, all of which have a wider remit than the County Development Plan in the area of economic development.

Data Resources (5)


Data Resource Preview - GeoJSON

Data Owner Open Data Officer
Data Owner Email opendata@wicklowcoco.ie
Data Owner Telephone 0404 201000
Theme Government
Date released 2023-02-22
Date updated 2023-05-03
Update frequency Never
Language English
Landing page https://hub.arcgis.com/datasets/wicklow::employment-zonings-cdp-2022-2028
Geographic coverage County
Spatial Reference Systems (SRS) Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM, EPSG:2157)