G0117 - SDG 1.a.3 Sum of total grants and non-debt-creating inflows directly allocated to poverty reduction programmes as a proportion of GDP by State, Year and Statistic

Category: Government
Views: 41
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SDG 1.a.3 Sum of total grants and non-debt-creating inflows directly allocated to poverty reduction programmes as a proportion of GDP by State, Year and Statistic

Data Resources (4)

SDG 1.a.3 Sum of total grants and non-debt-creating...
SDG 1.a.3 Sum of total grants and non-debt-creating...
SDG 1.a.3 Sum of total grants and non-debt-creating...
SDG 1.a.3 Sum of total grants and non-debt-creating...
Data Owner Mary Smyth
Data Owner Email Sustainable_Development_Goals@cso.ie
Data Owner Telephone (+353) 21 453 5309
Theme Government
Date updated 2020-11-30
Language English
Landing page https://ws.cso.ie/public/api.restful/PxStat.Data.Cube_API.ReadDataset/G0117/JSON-stat/2.0/en