Harmful Algal Bloom (HABs) Inshore Shellfish Production Area

Published by: Marine Institute
Category: Environment
Views: 163
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The Harmful Algal Bloom (HABs) shellfish inshore Production Area are administrative units used for reporting purposes in the management, collection and analysis of shellfish and phytoplankton sample data. The inshore production areas cover an area of the coastline of the Republic of Ireland. Production areas establish under the HABs programme 2002. Administrative units support reporting of areas as Open, Closed Pending and Closed for aquaculture production activities. Administrative units follow natural bay and inlet boundaries of the Irish coastline. HABs boundaries generated by the HABs team within Marine Environment and Food Safety Services (MEFSS) of the Marine Institute (MI). Boundaries complete and correct as per HABs monitoring programme.

Data Resources (8)

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Data Resource Preview - Web Map Service

Theme Environment
Date released 2018-09-25
Date updated 2021-05-17
Dataset conforms to these standards See the referenced specification
Rights notes {"Consult license for use limitations",otherRestrictions,otherRestrictions}
Update frequency Other
Language English
Geographic coverage in GeoJSON format {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-5.27233, 48.180187833],[-5.27233, 56.7], [-16.09085, 56.7], [-16.09085, 48.180187833], [-5.27233, 48.180187833]]]}
Provenance information Data supplied by Marine Institute.
Period of time covered (begin) 2002-01-01
Period of time covered (end) 9999-12-31