Local Electoral Areas Boundaries Ungeneralised - National Administrative Boundaries - 2015

Category: Government
Views: 19
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For the purposes of County Council and Corporation elections each county and city is divided into Local Electoral Areas (LEAs) which are constituted on the basis of Orders made under the Local Government Act, 1941. In general, LEAs are formed by aggregating Electoral Divisions. However, in a number of cases Electoral Divisions are divided between LEAs to facilitate electors. The current composition of the LEAs have been established by Statutory Instruments No’s 427-452/2008, 503-509/2008 and 311/1998.This dataset is provided by Tailte Éireann – National Mapping Division

Data Resources (6)

ArcGIS Hub Dataset
ArcGIS GeoService

Data Resource Preview - GeoJSON

Data Owner TailteEireannMapGenie
Data Owner Email custserv@osi.ie
Data Owner Telephone -
Theme Government
Date released 2022-05-16
Date updated 2023-03-21
Language English
Landing page https://data-osi.opendata.arcgis.com/maps/osi::local-electoral-areas-boundaries-ungeneralised-national-administrative-boundaries-2015