National Barriers Programme Dashboard

Category: Environment
Views: 50
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IFI's  National Barriers Programme | Inland Fisheries Ireland dashboard is a comprehensive data visualization tool designed to provide a detailed overview of the barriers to fish passage across Ireland's waterways. The dashboard features an interactive map that displays the geographical distribution of barriers, allowing users to zoom in on specific regions and rivers for a closer inspection. Color-coded markers and layers indicate the severity and type of each barrier, ranging from dams and weirs to culverts and other potential obstructions.Map  contains data produced by the Environmental Protection Agency.

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Resource: ArcGIS Hub Dataset


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Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated 10 June 2024
Metadata last updated 8 July 2024
Created 10 June 2024
Format HTML
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Package id94c283ec-f8be-4608-8b7d-f06fb044adf4
High Value Dataset (HVD) Resource
Applicable Legislation
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