Operator GTFS Schedule files

Category: Transport
Views: 430
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These public transport operators' GTFS files are updated every time a service timetable is changed. If there was a previous version it will be over written. The validity period for each operator's Schedule is declared in the appropriate manner within in the individual GTFS files. More information on the GTFS schedule format can be found in the GTFS Schedule reference resource below.

Data Resources (5)

Link to NTA Public Transport Data page
Operator List
GTFS Schedule file reference
GTFS Realtime API
Unnamed resource

Data Resource Preview - Operator List

Data Owner Email info@nationaltransport.ie
Theme Transport
Dataset conforms to these standards GTFS
Update frequency Weekly
Language English
Landing page https://www.transportforireland.ie/transitData/PT_Data.html
Geographic coverage National