Overstatement of certain unallocated tax deposits

Category: Economy
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Unallocated tax deposits (UTD), recorded in the revenue account as a year-end liability, include receipts which cannot at the year-end be allocated to either a taxhead or taxpayer record.
The audit of the 2021 revenue account found that the taxhead receipts for 2021 were understated by an estimated €32.5 million as audit tax settlements made by taxpayers were incorrectly included in the year-end UTD balance rather than being allocated to the relevant taxhead(s). The UTD year-end liability balance was overstated by the same amount.

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Resource: Overstatement of certain unallocated tax deposits

URL: https://www.audit.gov.ie/en/find-report/publications/2022/17-overstatement-of-certain-unallocated-tax-deposits.pdf

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Data last updated 13 June 2023
Metadata last updated 13 June 2023
Created 13 June 2023
Format PDF
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
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NotesUnallocated tax deposits (UTD), recorded in the revenue account as a year-end liability, include receipts which cannot at the year-end be allocated to either a taxhead or taxpayer record. The audit of the 2021 revenue account found that the taxhead receipts for 2021 were understated by an estimated €32.5 million as audit tax settlements made by taxpayers were incorrectly included in the year-end UTD balance rather than being allocated to the relevant taxhead(s). The UTD year-end liability balance was overstated by the same amount.
Package idf076aa58-678f-4c55-ad52-57f0dc276ae8
Description Unallocated tax deposits (UTD), recorded in the revenue account as a year-end liability, include receipts which cannot at the year-end be allocated to either a taxhead or taxpayer record. The audit of the 2021 revenue account found that the taxhead receipts for 2021 were understated by an estimated €32.5 million as audit tax settlements made by taxpayers were incorrectly included in the year-end UTD balance rather than being allocated to the relevant taxhead(s). The UTD year-end liability balance was overstated by the same amount.
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