National eircode database


The database of eircodes and their associated addresses/gps co-ordinates.

This body has rejected open sourcing eircode information on multiple occasions. However, while this is intended to force companies to pay for commercial use of this data it has also kneecapped the ability of open source projects such as openstreetmaps and organic maps to create useful maps in Ireland as being open source and non-profit projects they are not able to pay for the data that would allow them to use eircodes for navigation. I suspect the same problem also goes for valid use cases of eircodes by a lot of non-profits.

For this reason I would like to request that eircodes are either made open source or at the very least that the database is made freely available to non-profits.

Additional Info

Organisation No affiliation but submitted in relation to a discussion with organic maps developers
Online URL
Public Sector Body
Potential Use

Many most notably use by open source mapping and navigation services

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Created 5 months ago
Closed Not closed yet
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