The Open Data Portal aims to make Public Sector data available and easily accessible online for reuse and redistribution. We welcome suggestions for publication of appropriate Public Sector datasets, which are not currently linked to the portal as Open Data. Let us know your ideas by using the form and we will pass them to the relevant public bodies for further consideration.

Suggested Datasets

  • All Covid Vaccination Data

    Date, Vaccine Name, Number in stock at start of day, Age Range (0-5, 6-10, etc.), Number 1st vaccinations given, Number 2nd Vaccinations given, Number refused Vaccine
    88 3
    4 years ago
  • All daily covid case data

    For each day since covid data gathering started Date, County, Gender, Age Range (0-5, 6-10 etc.), Underlying health issue category, Number of tests, Number of positive tests,...
    102 1
    4 years ago
  • Public Bin Locations Ireland

    This would be a very basic dataset containing the gps coordinates of all public bins managed by each county council. Ideally there would also be a field in the dataset that...
    93 8
    4 years ago
  • Pollen Forecast

    Pollen forecast as published by Met Eireann, useful for people with allergies.
    100 2
    4 years ago
  • National Parks

    There are six National Parks in Ireland.
    71 4
    4 years ago
  • Speeding offences (and expanded traffic offences)

    List of speeding offenses on the roads in ireland. Should contain the location, dates, times and speeds registered where they occur. Can also be expanded to include information...
    104 1
    4 years ago
  • Covid cases by age and population distribution

    The current COVID breakdown by age is in 10 year intervals up to 64. All ages 65+ are lumped together. This is a first distortion. More importantly, figures should be shown...
    84 3
    4 years ago
  • All Schools in Republic of Ireland

    A CSV file published quarterly to show a list of all mainstream and special schools for both Primary and Post Primary education. The file should include; Roll Number Official...
    69 3
    4 years ago
  • Penalty Points

    Hi, I'm looking for a dataset that includes all penalty points given out to drivers per year. I can't easily find that data already - is it available somewhere? Thanks!
    101 2
    4 years ago
  • Suicides in Ireland in 2020

    Annual data on suicides and self-harm in Ireland between 2000 -2020 (incl.)
    80 2
    4 years ago