Lobbying register


Lobbying register as structured open data.

It should include details on lobbyists, lobbying clients, and public officials, and track the contacts and transactions that occur between lobbyists and public officials, including when, with regard to what matters, how much money is expended, and for what goals. A register should include both regular updates and updates that are responsive to lobbying activities.

Additional Info

Creator Denis Parfenov
Online URL
Public Sector Body SIPO
Potential Use

Analysis and combining with other datasets

Likes 109
Created 4 years ago
Closed Not closed yet
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Current Discussion

  • paulfitzpatrick (3 years ago)

    According to SIPO, the online Lobbying Register currently includes details of lobbyists, lobbying clients and public officials and tracks the contacts and transactions as reported in the returns to the register. However, under the Regulation of Lobbying Act 2015 there is no provision for the amount of money expended to be tracked. Lobbying.ie is fully searchable and details of all lobbying returns are also downloadable as Excel files.

  • paulfitzpatrick (3 years ago)

    Request sent to SIPO for consideration on 05/11/21. Open Data Team.

  • Ashley Glover (Unauthenticated user) (3 years ago)

    important one, would like to see this happen as it's a horrible UI to use one record by one record