List of OPW Heritage Sites


The OPW run a vast number of Irish heritage sites in Ireland. However, there is no currently published comprehensive list of these sites online. I would love to see a dataset including:

Title of site, Site Description, Staffed, Opening dates/hours, Price to Visit (If applicable), Latitude, Longitude, Address, Contact Details

Currently, some of this information is published as PDFs of brochures on, but they are not comprehensive lists. As we would like to visit as many of these sites as possible this information is crucial for us.

Thanks, Ellie Berry

Additional Info

Creator Ellie Berry
Organisation Tough Soles
Online URL
Public Sector Body OPW
Potential Use

We intend to visit as many of these sites as possible - knowing where they are and when they are open is vital

Likes 131
Created 7 years ago
Closed Not closed yet
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Current Discussion

  • Carl (Unauthenticated user) (7 years ago)

    Perhaps you can prod the OPW again as this dataset is still extremely valuable and still extremely missing. Thanks.

  • Krystyna Pycinska-Taylor (Unauthenticated user) (7 years ago)

    Your suggestion has been sent to OPW for consideration. Regards. Open Data Unit