Tractors Licensed for the First Time
Characteristic of Residential Property Purchasers
Characteristics of Residential Property Purchasers
Characteristics of Residential Property Purchasers
Characteristics of Residential Property Purchasers
Characteristics of Residential Property Purchasers
Recorded Crime Offences Under Reservation
Recorded Crime Offences Under Reservation
Recorded Crime Offences under Reservation
Recorded Crime Offences Under Reservation
Recorded Crime Offences Under Reservation
Passengers, Freight and Commercial Flights
Residential Dwelling Property Transactions
HPM08 - Rolling 12 Month Market-based Household Purchases of Residential DwellingsEconomyRolling 12 Month Market-based Household Purchases of Residential Dwellings
Residential Property Price Index
Market-based Household Purchases of Residential Dwellings
Residential Property Price Index
HPM07 - Rolling 12 Month Market-based Household Purchases of Residential DwellingsEconomyRolling 12 Month Market-based Household Purchases of Residential Dwellings
Market-based Household Purchases of Residential Dwellings
ILO Persons aged 15 and over in employment (1988-1997)