Performance metrics for by year Child Abuse Referrals - No. of Preliminary Enquiries Completed in 5 Working Days
Performance metrics for by year Child Abuse Referrals - Number that had a Preliminary Enquiry
No. of Adults 18-20 Years in Receipt of an Aftercare Service in Third Level College/University 2020HealthPerformance metrics for by year No. of Adults 18-20 Years in Receipt of an Aftercare Service in Third Level College/University
Performance metrics for by year No. of Applicants Awaiting Information and Tracing
Performance metrics for by year No. of Open Cases Awaiting Allocation to a Social Worker
No. of 18-22 Years in Receipt of an Aftercare Service who are in Designated Care Leaver Accommoda...HealthPerformance metrics for by year No. of 18-22 Years in Receipt of an Aftercare Service who are in Designated Care Leaver Accommodation (Capital Assistance Scheme)
No. of Adults 21-22 Years in Receipt of an Aftercare Service in Accredited Training (e.g. Solas) ...HealthPerformance metrics for by year No. of Adults 21-22 Years in Receipt of an Aftercare Service in Accredited Training (e.g. Solas)
Performance metrics for by year No. of Children in an "Other" Placement Type with an Allocated Social Worker
Performance metrics for by year No. of Completed Applications for Inter-country Adoption
Performance metrics for by year No. of Young Persons / Adults in Receipt of an Aftercare Service (All Ages)
Performance metrics for by year No. of 21-22 Years in Receipt of an Aftercare Service
Performance metrics for by year No. of Adults 18-20 Years in Receipt of an Aftercare Service in Second Level
Performance metrics for by year No. of Adults 18-22 Years in Receipt of an Aftercare Service
Performance metrics for by year No. of Approved General Foster Carers with an Allocated Link Worker
Performance metrics for by year No. of Adults 18-20 Years in Receipt of an Aftercare Service in PLCs
Performance metrics for by year No. of Private Foster Carers on the Panel
Performance metrics for by year No. of Children in Care Aged 16-17 in Full Time Education
Performance metrics for by year Total Referrals - No. of Initial Assessments Completed in 40 Working Days
No. of Children in Care (All Placement Types) in an Out of State Placement with an Allocated Soci...HealthPerformance metrics for by year No. of Children in Care (All Placement Types) in an Out of State Placement with an Allocated Social Worker
No. of Adults 21-22 Years in Receipt of an Aftercare Service in Accredited Training (e.g. Solas) ...HealthPerformance metrics for by year No. of Adults 21-22 Years in Receipt of an Aftercare Service in Accredited Training (e.g. Solas)