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    Survey of location of street litter bins in Dublin City Centre; including the Central Business District and part of the South-East administrative area of the city. Survey of location of street litter bins in Dublin City Centre. This 2008 survey was carried out in the Central...
    Water Quality Samples The Dublin City Central Laboratory maintains a database of river , bathing water, sewage and drinking water samples and results of any tests carried out on those samples, from . There are three .xml spreadsheets contained here: The drinkingwater check...
    Traffic volume data Volume data across Dublin City, from DCC's SCATS system, in csv format. ''The volume data is aggregated over 5 minute intervals for each approach into an instrumented intersection. There are separate files for each region (CCITY, SCITY, NCITY, WCITY1) and...
    Licence applications granted for tables and chairs on the public footpath. Businesses wishing to place table and chairs on the public pavement outside their premises need to apply for street furniture licences from the local authority. Details in this dataset include...
    Dublin City Council is divided into 5 Local Administrative Areas (North West, North Central, Central, South Central and South East) which are used to coordinate the delivery of services into local communities. Each Area Committee deals with operational matters such as road...
    This dataset measures the amount of rainfall (mm) in five minute intervals at nine rain gauge stations in the Greater Dublin Area. This dataset measures the amount of rainfall (mm) that falls weekly in five minute intervals at nine rain gauge stations in the Greater Dublin...
    Transport and Infrastructure Listing of completed road and street maintenance/repair works extracted from Roads Work Annual works programme. Details include Works area Area, Traffic impact of works: contractor assigned, asset type, estimated area of works, final area;...
    This dataset contains a list of Lord Mayors and Deputy Lord Mayors of Dublin City along with their respective terms of office dating from 1665 to 2024.
    Commencement Notices Details and Spatial Data A commencement notice is a notification to a Building Control Authority that a person intends to carry out either works or a material change of use to which the Building Regulations apply.''Frequently asked questions for...
    Taxi stands located within the Dublin City Council administrative area, per the Street Service Vehicles (Taxi) Bye-Laws 2015 which came into effect November 2015. The files contain information including descriptive locations, the number of spaces available per stand, the...
    Traffic volumes data across Dublin City from the SCATS traffic management system. The Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS) is an intelligent transportation system used to manage timing of signal phases at traffic signals. SCATS uses sensors at each traffic signal...
    Bicycle traffic volumes from cycle counters in Dublin city. Bike counter include one Totem counter (Grove Road) and Eco-Multi counters using Zelt Diamond loop in a number of other locations. Locations include: Drumcondra, Charleville Mall, North Strand Rd, Guild Street,...
    Permission for posters to be erected on public poles Posters can be erected subject to the permission of the waste management services division. This requirement does not apply to electioneering posters within a restricted period before the election date and to some other...
    Local Government Financial Reporting Prompt Payments schedule for Dublin City Council. Lists total quarterly invoices paid. This information refers to purchases in excess of 20,000. For further information please refer to dublin city council website...
    Journey times Journey times across Dublin City, from DCC's TRIPS system, in csv format.''Journey times are supplied on a number of routes across the city (trips.csv). Each route consists of a number of links, each link is a pair of georeferenced Traffic Control Sites...
    Sustainable Indicators The Sustainability Indicators Report brings together international, national and local indicators to measure the Dublin Regions progress towards environmental, economic and social sustainability. Key metrics include 30 headline indicators spread...
    Pedestrian footfall counts of people at a number of locations in Dublin city. Passersby are counted and logged every hour, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week using a network of PYRO-Box people counters located throughout central Dublin. Data is provided by Dublin City Council...
    Air Quality Monitoring Data Dublin City Council measures ambient air quality in Dublin in accordance with Air Quality standards. 'This dataset contains Air Quality Monitoring Data from January to March 2011, consisting five spreadsheets taken from five air monitoring sites...
    Modes of Travel in Dublin Region, Census 2006 and 2011
    School Wardens This dataset contains a list of all school warden duty points in Dublin City. The datasets are broken into five separate worksheets by administrative area of the city; north central schools, south central schools, south east schools, northeast schools and...