Education and SportContact a Visiting Teacher
Education and SportAssistive Technology applications received and processed by the NCSE as part of the Dept of Education scheme
Education and SportA summary of parliamentary questions in 2023
Assistive Technology applications by year and County 2018 to October 2024NEWNational Council for Special EducationEducation and SportAssistive Technology applications by year and County 2018 to October 2024
Education and SportA summary of ISTP TPL events held in 2022
Education and Sport2012-2013 School Allocations, primary, post primary and special school figures and data.
Education and SportA list of special classes in mainstream schools in the school year 2023/2024
Education and SportA list of special classes in mainstream schools in the school year 2019/2020
Education and SportA breakdown of the ISTP TPL events held and the number of teachers supported by these events in 2023.
Education and SportA record of all AON referrals recorded by the NCSE from January 1st to December 31st 2023
Education and SportA list of special classes in mainstream schools in the school year 2018/2019
Primary and Post Primary School Special classes by type between 2010 and 2024NEWNational Council for Special EducationEducation and SportA summary of primary school special classes by type between the years 2010 and 2024
Education and SportRoutine reporting arising from the SNA review process
Number of Active Special Classes by County 2019/20 to CurrentNEWNational Council for Special EducationEducation and SportNumber of Active Special Classes by County 2019_20 – 2024_25
Education and SportA summary of applications processed by NCSE for school year 2022/2023
Education and SportA list of special classes in mainstream schools in school year 2015/2016
Education and SportOverview of NCSE Energy Usage, 2021 and 2010
Education and SportA summary of the ERT TPL events held in 2022
Education and Sport2018-2019 School Allocations
Education and SportSNA posts financial year end 2015 - 2023