Realtime Passenger Information (GTFSR)

Category: Transport
Views: 763
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Please note that the National Transport Authority has transitioned to a new version of the GTFS Realtime API - this new API was made available on the 13th March 2023. The existing API will continue to function for a number of weeks to allow for testing of and the transition to the new platform

The National Transport Authority publish Realtime Passenger Information (RTPI) through the GTFS Realtime specification ( This realtime feed is provided by an API - in order to connect to this API, you will need to register an account on the NTA Developer Portal -

The data in this feed can be used in conjunction with the GTFS Static specification to provide schedule details for the realtime data - please download the GTFS Schedule file for realtime operators.

Data Resources (4)

NTA Developer Portal
GTFS Schedule files for realtime operators
GTFS Realtime Overview
GTFS Schedule file for individual operators

Data Resource Preview - GTFS Schedule files for realtime operators

Data Owner Email
Theme Transport
Date released 2022-09-15
Dataset conforms to these standards GTFS
Update frequency Continuously updated
Language English
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