Creating Our Future - Public Submissions

Category: Society
Views: 46
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Creating Our Future was the first of its kind public engagement dialogue to be undertaken in Ireland. The 18,062 submissions from the public represent a unique and previously unavailable snapshot of the public’s concerns and priorities across a broad spectrum of issues. As such, they have significance as a source of insight for policy, decision-making, and research in multiple arenas. All 18,062 ideas collected during the public engagement phase of the Creating Our Future campaign were considered by an independent Expert Committee and are available in this dataset.

Data Resources (1)

Creating Our Future - Data

Data Resource Preview - Creating Our Future - Data

Data Owner Email
Theme Society
Date released 2022-07-15
Update frequency Never
Language English
Landing page
Geographic coverage National
Period of time covered (begin) 2021-07-28
Period of time covered (end) 2021-11-30