GovernmentAntibiotic Consumption
GovernmentInpatient admissions
GovernmentPersons with a Medical or GP Visit card
GovernmentDaycase admissions
GovernmentDaycase admissions
GovernmentInpatient admissions
GovernmentPersons with a Medical or GP Visit Card
GovernmentPersons who visited a Nurse in the last twelve months
GovernmentPersons who visited a Nurse in the last twelve months
GovernmentAlcohol consumption
GovernmentAlcohol consumption
GovernmentHow long since a person last smoked
GovernmentPersons who used to smoke
GovernmentPersons who have smoked in the last 12 months
GovernmentPersons with a confirmed long-term condition
GovernmentGeneral Health Status
GovernmentPersons with a long-term illness
HSPAL19A - Performance of health technology assessments by the National Centre for PharamaeconomicsHIGH VALUEDepartment of HealthGovernmentPerformance of health technology assessments by the National Centre for Pharamaeconomics
HSPAC13A - Staff pay related expenditure relative to the overall health expenditureHIGH VALUEDepartment of HealthGovernmentStaff pay related expenditure relative to the overall health expenditure
HSPAC13B - Staff pay related expenditure relative to the overall health expenditure in Public SectorHIGH VALUEDepartment of HealthGovernmentStaff pay related expenditure relative to the overall health expenditure in Public Sector