GovernmentCOVID-19 Infection
GovernmentQuality of Life
GovernmentQuality of Life
HSPAE14 - Thirty-day mortality after hospital admission for ischaemic stroke per 100 hospital adm...GovernmentThirty-day mortality after hospital admission for ischaemic stroke per 100 hospital admissions (age-sex standardised)
Adult or Child waiting times less than 9 months
Age-Standardised Data for Principal Diagnosis
Age-Standardised Discharge Data for Principal Diagnosis
Five-Year Standardised Mortality Rate
Five-Year Age-Standardised Mortality Rate
Standardised mortality ratio
Age-Standardised Mortality Rate
HSPAD14 - Healthcare professionals that have involved inpatient service users in decisions about ...GovernmentHealthcare professionals that have involved inpatient service users in decisions about care and treatment
HSPAD13 - Healthcare inpatient service users reporting having had the opportunity to ask question...GovernmentHealthcare inpatient service users reporting having had the opportunity to ask questions or raise concerns to their healthcare professionals
HSPAE143 - Overall daily volume of antibiotics consumed (Defined Daily Doses) per 100 bed days us...GovernmentOverall daily volume of antibiotics consumed (Defined Daily Doses) per 100 bed days used in the Hospital Sector
HPSAE214 - Hospitals having NEWS (National Early Warning System) implemented in all clinical area...GovernmentHospitals having NEWS (National Early Warning System) implemented in all clinical areas of acute hospitals and single specialty hospitals
HSPAE26 - Hospitalised patients with at least one healthcare associated infection e.g. in-hospita...GovernmentHospitalised patients with at least one healthcare associated infection e.g. in-hospital pneumonia, hospital acquired COVID-19
HSPAE13 - STEMI patients (without contraindication to reperfusion therapy) who got timely percuta...GovernmentSTEMI patients (without contraindication to reperfusion therapy) who got timely percutaneous coronary intervention
HSPAC112 - Voluntary and private nursing home expenditure and public nursing home expenditure und...GovernmentVoluntary and private nursing home expenditure and public nursing home expenditure under the Fair Deal scheme
HSPAD43 - Healthcare staff reporting good/excellent patient safety culture in their service - Ext...GovernmentHealthcare staff reporting good/excellent patient safety culture in their service - Extent of agreement/disagreement with the statement
HSPAA59 - Persons aged 18 and over on their self-reported confidence with health literacy by vari...GovernmentPersons aged 18 and over on their self-reported confidence with health literacy by various health literacy domains.