HSPAL110 - Adopted and implemented technologies after Health Technology Assessments reportHIGH VALUEDepartment of HealthGovernmentAdopted and implemented technologies after Health Technology Assessments report
GovernmentHow long since a person last smoked
GovernmentPersons who used to smoke
GovernmentPersons who have smoked in the last 12 months
GovernmentPersons with a long-term illness
GovernmentPersons with limitations
GovernmentGeneral Health Status
GovernmentNumber of Medical Graduates
GovernmentDecarbonisation rate
GovernmentPersons that undertake moderate weekly physical activity
HSPAD18 - Complaints investigated within 30 working days of being acknowledged by the Complaints ...HIGH VALUEDepartment of HealthGovernmentComplaints investigated within 30 working days of being acknowledged by the Complaints Officer
GovernmentHospital Employment
GovernmentHospital Employment
GovernmentReduction in overall greenhouse gas emissions
GovernmentAge-Standardised Morbidity Rate for Principal Procedures
GovernmentAge-Standardised Data for Principal Procedures
HSPAG25 - People with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a pulmonary rehabilitation programmeHIGH VALUEDepartment of HealthGovernmentPeople with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a pulmonary rehabilitation programme
HSPAE12 - Patients whose principal diagnosis was stroke and who were admitted to a hospital Strok...HIGH VALUEDepartment of HealthGovernmentPatients whose principal diagnosis was stroke and who were admitted to a hospital Stroke Unit
GovernmentSuccess rates of 6-hours target in Emergency Departments
GovernmentAdult day case waiting times less than 15 months