GovernmentAdult inpatient waiting times less than 15 months
GovernmentReadmission related to surgical care
GovernmentReadmission related to emergency care provision
GovernmentShare of older people residential services
HSPAA55 - Persons aged 15 years and over cigarettes and alcohol consumptionHIGH VALUEDepartment of HealthGovernmentPersons aged 15 years and over cigarettes and alcohol consumption
HSPAB17 - Percentage of population with a Medical Card or with a GP Visit CardHIGH VALUEDepartment of HealthGovernmentPercentage of population with a Medical Card or with a GP Visit Card
HSPAC112 - Voluntary and private nursing home expenditure and public nursing home expenditure und...GovernmentVoluntary and private nursing home expenditure and public nursing home expenditure under the Fair Deal scheme
HSPAE219 - Median ambulance handover time from ambulance services to care departmentsHIGH VALUEDepartment of HealthGovernmentMedian ambulance handover time from ambulance services to care departments
GovernmentTotal bed days lost due to delayed discharges
GovernmentPopulation-Based Healthcare Provision Contracts
HSPAI22 - Persons under a Primary Care Reimbursement Service schemesHIGH VALUEDepartment of HealthGovernmentPersons under a Primary Care Reimbursement Service schemes
GovernmentBeds in publicly owned hospitals per 1,000 population
HSPAE26 - Hospitalised patients with at least one healthcare associated infection e.g. in-hospita...GovernmentHospitalised patients with at least one healthcare associated infection e.g. in-hospital pneumonia, hospital acquired COVID-19
HSPAE22 - Slip, trip or fall incidents as reported to NIMS that were classified as major or extremeHIGH VALUEDepartment of HealthGovernmentSlip, trip or fall incidents as reported to NIMS that were classified as major or extreme
GovernmentHospital Discharge Data for Principal Procedures
GovernmentHospital Discharge Data for Principal Procedures
GovernmentIn-Patient Hospital Discharge Data for Principal Procedures
GovernmentHospital Discharge Rates for Principal Diagnoses
GovernmentHospital Discharge Data for Principal Diagnoses
GovernmentIn-Patient Hospital Discharge Data for Principal Diagnoses