Oideachas agus SpórtEarly School Leavers among Children in Care and All Children
FuinneamhGreen-Schools, known internationally as Eco-Schools, is an environmental education programme run by An Taisce in partnership with local authorities. It promotes long-term, whole-school action for the environment. There are approximately 253 Dublin City Council schools...
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Work Status of individuals aged 25-59 years
Work Status of individuals aged 25-59 years
Income of individuals aged 25-59 years
Income of Individuals aged 25 to 59 years
SID17 - Enforced Deprivation and Poverty Rates of Individuals aged 25 to 59 yearsRialtasEnforced Deprivation and Poverty Rates of Individuals aged 25 to 59 years
SID16 - Enforced Deprivation and Poverty Rates of Individuals aged 25 to 59 yearsRialtasEnforced Deprivation and Poverty Rates of Individuals aged 25 to 59 years
SID15 - Enforced Deprivation and Poverty Rates of Individuals aged 25 to 59 yearsRialtasEnforced Deprivation and Poverty Rates of Individuals aged 25 to 59 years
SID14 - Enforced Deprivation and Poverty Rates of Individuals aged 25 to 59 yearsRialtasEnforced Deprivation and Poverty Rates of Individuals aged 25 to 59 years
Satisfaction of individuals aged 25-59 years
SID29 - Long-term Limitation in Activity Status of individuals aged 25-59 yearsRialtasLong-term Limitation in Activity Status of individuals aged 25-59 years
RialtasHighest Level of Education of Individuals aged 25-59 years
Health Status of individuals aged 25-59 years
Tenure Status of individuals aged 25-59 years
Tenure Status of individuals aged 25-59 years
RialtasHighest Level of Education of individuals aged 25-59 years
Highest Level of Education Attained by Either Parent
Oideachas agus SpórtEarly School Leavers as a Percentage of Persons aged 18-24 in EU Member States