Population Aged 15 Years and Over
RialtasIrish speakers and non-Irish speakers aged 3 years and over
F8012 - Irish speakers and non-Irish speakers aged 3 years and over usual resident and present in...RialtasIrish speakers and non-Irish speakers aged 3 years and over usual resident and present in the State
Irish speakers and non-Irish speakers 3 years and over
Irish speakers and non-Irish speakers 3 years and over
HSPAG12 - Carers reporting feeling involved in designing the care and support plan for the person...RialtasCarers reporting feeling involved in designing the care and support plan for the person they care for - Extent of agreement with the statement
HSPAP13 - Use of staff support mechanisms (e.g. helplines) - Frequency of contact with support d...RialtasUse of staff support mechanisms (e.g. helplines) - Frequency of contact with support department
HSPAP11 - Health workers' job satisfaction - Extent of satisfaction with the statementRialtasHealth workers' job satisfaction - Extent of satisfaction with the statement
Population aged 15 years and over
Population aged 15 years and over
HSPAD42 - Healthcare staff reporting good/excellent work engagement - Extent of agreement/disagre...RialtasHealthcare staff reporting good/excellent work engagement - Extent of agreement/disagreement with the statement
HSPAD41 - Healthcare staff who have a satisfactory rating annual appraisal - Extent of agreement/...RialtasHealthcare staff who have a satisfactory rating annual appraisal - Extent of agreement/disagreement with the statement
HSPAD31 - Health carers reporting feeling involved in designing the care and support plan for the...RialtasHealth carers reporting feeling involved in designing the care and support plan for the person under their care - Extent of agreement/disagreement with the statement
HSPAE29A - Long-term care facility residents with at least one risk factor for healthcare associa...RialtasLong-term care facility residents with at least one risk factor for healthcare associated infections
HSPAE28A - Hospitalised patients with at least one risk factor for healthcare associated infectionsRialtasHospitalised patients with at least one risk factor for healthcare associated infections
HSPAE27A - Long-term care facility residents with at least one healthcare associated infectionRialtasLong-term care facility residents with at least one healthcare associated infection
F8054 - Average Age that Education Ceased for Population Aged 15 Years and OverRialtasAverage Age that Education Ceased for Population Aged 15 Years and Over
Population aged 15 years and over
Population Aged 15 Years and Over
Irish speakers aged 3 years and over