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TABLE 4.1: HIPE Report: TABLE 4.1 Total Discharges: AR-DRG Complexity Split by Patient Type (N, ...SláinteAR-DRG complexity split for total discharges by Patient Type (day patient and in-patient). A complexity split indicator that ranks DRGs within adjacent DRGs on the basis of their level of complexity/resource use. It is either 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D' or 'Z' with 'A' being the most...
Passports issued from applications from Irish Missions - 2007 to 2016
Passports issued by Passport Types 2007-2016
Passports issued by Country of Birth 2007-2016
Annual Totals 2007/2016 - Passports Issued
Passports issued by applicant types 2007-2016
Passports issued to Irish Citizens born in Ireland by county of birthRialtasPassports issued to Irish Citizens born in Ireland by County of birth 2007 to 2016
TABLE 4.7a: Perinatal Statistics Report 2014: Method of Delivery: Total Births, Live Births, Mort...SláintePresents the distribution of TOTAL, SINGLETON AND MULTIPLE births for 2014 by Method of Delivery. This table outlines data for total births, live births, stillbirths, early neonatal deaths and perinatal mortality rates, as well as presenting the number of maternities. The...
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TABLE 4.11: Perinatal Statistics Report 2014: Age of Mother by Infant’s Type of Feeding, Numbers ...SláintePresents the distribution of TOTAL, SINGLETON AND MULTIPLE births for 2014 by Age of Mother and Infant’s Type of Feeding. This table outlines data for total live births, excluding early neonatal deaths. The Perinatal Statistics Report 2014 is a report on national data on...
Figure 4.4 Percentage of population covered by private health insurance in Ireland, 2011, 2013 an...SláintePublished as part of Health in Ireland: Key Trends 2016 (Department of Health)
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TABLE 3.7: Perinatal Statistics Report 2014: Maternal Parity: Total Births, Live Births, Mortalit...SláintePresents the distribution of TOTAL, SINGLETON AND MULTIPLE births for 2014 by Maternal Parity. Maternal parity refers to a mothers total number of previous live births and stillbirths. This table outlines data for total births, live births, stillbirths, early neonatal deaths...
TABLE 3.5: HIPE Report: TABLE 3.5 Total Discharges: Mean Number of All-Listed Procedures by Pati...SláinteOutlines the mean number of procedures reported for day patients, in-patients, and total discharges, by sex and age group. Activity in Acute Public Hospitals in Ireland Annual Report, 2015, is a report on in-patient and day patient discharges from acute public hospitals...