PIAAC11 - Literacy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levelsOideachas agus SpórtLiteracy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levels
PIAAC10 - Literacy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levelsOideachas agus SpórtLiteracy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levels
PIAAC09 - Literacy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levelsOideachas agus SpórtLiteracy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levels
PIAAC08 - Literacy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levelsOideachas agus SpórtLiteracy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levels
PIAAC07 - Literacy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levelsOideachas agus SpórtLiteracy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levels
PIAAC06 - Literacy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levelsOideachas agus SpórtLiteracy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levels
PIAAC05 - Literacy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levelsOideachas agus SpórtLiteracy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levels
PIAAC04 - Literacy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levelsOideachas agus SpórtLiteracy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levels
PIAAC03 - Literacy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levelsOideachas agus SpórtLiteracy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving mean score and levels
Oideachas agus SpórtPercentage of adults who performed at each proficiency level
PIAAC01 - Literacy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving Skills mean scoreOideachas agus SpórtLiteracy/Numeracy and Adaptive Problem Solving Skills mean score
2024 - Derogation Applications received & issued under Regulation 54 & 54A of Habitats Directive.HIGH VALUEDepartment of Housing, Local Government, and HeritageTithíocht
This dataset has no description
2023 - Derogation applications received & issued under Regulation 54 of the Habitats DirectiveHIGH VALUEDepartment of Housing, Local Government, and HeritageTithíocht
This dataset has no description
Goods Vehicles by Unladen Weight
GeilleagarIndustrial Production Volume and Turnover Indices (Base 2021=100)
GeilleagarIndustrial Production Volume and Turnover Indices (Base 2021=100)
GeilleagarIndustrial Production Volume and Turnover Indices (Base 2021=100)
Mean and Median Weekly Earnings
Employments in Economic Sector
Employments and Earnings