TimpeallachtThis file contains monthly, seasonal and annual 1981-2010 Maximum, Minimum and Mean Temperatures on a 1X1km grid. Temperatures are in degrees Celsius and tenths.
TimpeallachtThis table provides details of all Met Éireann's rainfall, climate and synoptic weather stations, both open and closed. Details include: County, Station Number, Name, Height (m), Easting, Northing, Latitude, Longitude, Open Year, Close Year
Our human medicines product database is a comprehensive and up-to-date listing of all medicines that have been assessed by the HPRA and granted a licence so that they can be marketed in Ireland. The list includes all prescription and over-the-counter medicines whether they are...
This dataset has no description
This dataset has no description
TimpeallachtMet Éireann issues National forecasts twice daily, covering parameters such as weather and visibility for the day of issue, along with an Outlook for the following day. This data file contains archived forecasts from 1st June 2014 until 7th March 2024. PLEASE NOTE: there may...
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This dataset has no description
Electric Vehicle Charge Points in Cork City as per May 2021
Tá na staitisticí sa scaoileadh seo bunaithe ar anailís ar éilimh ar chreidmheas taighde agus forbartha mar a comhdaíodh ar na tuairisceáin chánach corparáide.
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TimpeallachtDaily and monthly climatalogical records for our station at Listowel-Bunaghara in Co. Kerry.
TimpeallachtDaily and monthly climatalogical records for our station at Ballycroy-Knockmoyleen in Co. Mayo.
TimpeallachtDaily and monthly climatalogical records for our station at Dunmoe-Graigs_Lane in Co. Meath.
TimpeallachtDaily and monthly climatalogical records for our station at Killucan(Ballyhaw) in Co. Westmeath. This station is now closed.
TimpeallachtDaily and monthly climatalogical records for our station at Lullymore_Nature_Centre in Co. Kildare.
TimpeallachtDaily and monthly climatalogical records for our station at Athleague in Co. Roscommon.
TimpeallachtDaily and monthly climatalogical records for our station at Kilkenny_Greenshill in Co. Kilkenny.
TimpeallachtDaily and monthly climatalogical records for our station at Durrow in Co. Laois.
TimpeallachtDaily and monthly climatalogical records for our station at Horseleap in Co. Offaly.