TimpeallachtAn ocean current is a continuous, directed movement of seawater generated by forces acting upon this mean flow, such as breaking waves, wind, the Coriolis effect, cabbeling, and temperature and salinity differences, while tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the Sun...
TimpeallachtThis is a dataset of the air quality zones listed on http://www.epa.ie/air/quality/zones/. The zones were defined initially in the Air Quality Regulations (SI 180 of 2011). The EPA reviews the zones regularly and amends when necessary.
The phytoplankton sample sites and phytoplankton counts coincide with finfish aquaculture sites and monitoring results include the following parameters; Sample Code, Location Code, Location Name, Location XY, Phytoplankton Species, Phytoplankton Count, Phytoplankton Biomass...
This data provides localities described in "A Geological Guide to the Granites of the Galway Batholith, Connemara, western Ireland. Dublin, Geological Survey of Ireland." by Feely, M., B. E. Leake, S. Baxter, J. Hunt and P. Mohr (Published by the Geological Survey of Ireland,...
This table contains all the River Waterbody Status results recorded in accordance with European Communities (Water Policy) Regulations 2003 (SI No. 722/2003). The regulation objectives include the attainment of good status in wateres that are of lesser status at present and...
This file contains original variables from Theme 9 Social Class from Census 2011 and a series of additional variables produced by AIRO such as percentage rates, ratios etc. The file includes data on Social Class, Socio-Economic Group of Persons and Persons in Private...
Significant pressures have been identified for waterbodies that are At Risk of not meeting their water quality objectives under the Water Framework Directive. While there are a multitude of pressures in every waterbody, the significant pressures are those pressures which need...
This dataset comprises raw ocean current data collected from the SmartBay buoy moored in Cork Harbour. The Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) measures the speed and direction of ocean currents.
This file contains original variables from Theme 13 Occupations from Census 2006 & 2011 and a series of additional variables produced by AIRO such as percentage rates, ratios etc. The file includes data on Persons At Work by Occupation for the 3,406 Electoral Divisions in...
TimpeallachtMultibeam echosounder data and seabed sampling data acquired during the INSS and INFOMAR national seabed mapping programmes were the primary sources of data used in the generation of this habitat map. The original sediment classes assigned to the data were translated to the...
Significant pressures have been identified for waterbodies that are At Risk of not meeting their water quality objectives under the Water Framework Directive. While there are a multitude of pressures in every waterbody, the significant pressures are those pressures which need...
Average concentrations in 2014 for Ammonium (mg/lP) in samples from monitoring locations on the Irish Environmental Protection Agency Water Framework Directive (WFD) Groundwater Monitoring Network.
Irish Wave Rider Buoy Network 30 minutes real time wave data collection. The parameters collected include; Longitude (decimal degrees), Latitude (decimal degrees), dateTime (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss.sss), Station ID, Peak Period (secs), Peak Direction (Degrees True), Upcross Period...
Mine point locations of where solid waste was analysed using the X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF).
Significant pressures have been identified for waterbodies that are At Risk of not meeting their water quality objectives under the Water Framework Directive. While there are a multitude of pressures in every waterbody, the significant pressures are those pressures which need...
TimpeallachtInternational Council Exploration of the Sea (ICES) statistical rectangle boundary administrative units for offshore King Scallop monitoring and reporting. The ICES statistical rectangle boundaries used occur in the North Atlantic Ocean, Celtic Sea, Irish Sea, Saint Georges...
The Accessible Wave Energy Resource Atlas 2005 describes an initial comparison between several years of hourly wave forecasts (using WAM) on a grid of points located off the Irish coast with corresponding records from a number of buoys installed in recent years. The report...
TimpeallachtUnder the European Union (EU) Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) the Irish Naval Service undertake the role of maritime surveillance of fishing effort according to sustainable management of the North Atlantic fisheries resource. The Fisheries Effort Zones are divided into 11 units...
This file contains variables from the Housing Theme - Type that was produced by AIRO using data from the census unit at the CSO and the Northern Ireland Research and Statistics Agency (NISRA). This data was developed under the Evidence Based Planning theme of the Ireland...
Significant pressures have been identified for waterbodies that are At Risk of not meeting their water quality objectives under the Water Framework Directive. While there are a multitude of pressures in every waterbody, the significant pressures are those pressures which need...