RialtasAge-Standardised Hospital Discharge Rate
RialtasAge-Standardised Hospital Discharge Rate
RialtasAverage Length of Stay
RialtasAverage Length of Stay
RialtasInpatient Hospital Bed Days
RialtasInpatient Hospital Bed Days
RialtasInpatient and Daycase Hospital Discharges
RialtasInpatient and Daycase Hospital Discharges
RialtasTotal Hospital Discharges
RialtasTotal Hospital Discharges
Total Hospital Discharges
Projected Dependency Ratios
PEC27 - Average Annual Births, Deaths, Estimated Net Internal Migration and Estimated Net Interna...RialtasAverage Annual Births, Deaths, Estimated Net Internal Migration and Estimated Net International Migration
Projected Population
Housing Supply Coordination Task Force for Dublin Data 2024
Approximate Boundaries of Development Plans, Local Area Plans, Town Plans and Village/Settlement Plans in the Republic of Ireland.
Inpatient and Daycase Hospital Discharges
Oideachas agus SpórtContains the location and website of recycling centres within Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown
Oideachas agus SpórtThis file contains the location and accepted materials of Bring Banks in DLR
Approximate Boundaries of Development Plans, Local Area Plans, Town Plans and Village/Settlement Plans in the Republic of Ireland.