RialtasChildren referred to the Garda Diversion Programme
TOA15 - Average weekly flow of Dublin Bus and Bus Éireann passengersHIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeIomparAverage weekly flow of Dublin Bus and Bus Éireann passengers
RialtasDriving Tests Delivered and Pass Rate
RialtasQuarterly Employment Rate
RialtasAnnual Long Term Unemployment Rate
RialtasNumber of Employments of Arrivals from Ukraine
TalmhaíochtManufacturing Milk Prices (including VAT) (Euro)
TalmhaíochtManufacturing Milk Prices (including VAT) (Euro)
WBB59 - Percentage of individuals whose mental health affected by the COVID-19 pandemicHIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeRialtasPercentage of individuals whose mental health affected by the COVID-19 pandemic
WBB55 - Percentage of individuals whose mental health affected by the COVID-19 pandemicHIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeRialtasPercentage of individuals whose mental health affected by the COVID-19 pandemic
WBB54 - Percentage of individuals whose mental health affected by the COVID-19 pandemicHIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeRialtasPercentage of individuals whose mental health affected by the COVID-19 pandemic
RialtasSatisfaction Indicator Levels
RialtasSatisfaction Indicator Levels
RialtasSatisfaction Indicator Levels
RialtasSatisfaction Indicator Levels
RialtasSatisfaction Indicator Levels
RialtasSatisfaction Indicator Mean Score
RialtasHomeless Persons Usually Resident in the State
RialtasDriving Test Pass Rate
RialtasMainstream Primary Schools