Household Gross Income
Household Gross Income
Household Median Gross Income
Median Earned Income
Median Earned Income of NACE Sectors
Median Earned Income
Median earned income per person working
IIA09 - Median earned income per commuter travelling greater than 30 minutesRialtasMedian earned income per commuter travelling greater than 30 minutes
RialtasMedian earned income per commuter travelling less than 30 minutes
Proportion of earned income sectors
Proportion of Medical Card holders
Average rent as a % of household disposable income
IIA03 - Proportion of households state pension was majority of household incomeRialtasProportion of households state pension was majority of household income
IIA02 - Proportion of households working age social welfare was majority of household incomeRialtasProportion of households working age social welfare was majority of household income
Household median gross income