TalmhaíochtOrganic Farms
TalmhaíochtOrganic Farms
TalmhaíochtOrganic Farms
TalmhaíochtAge Group of Farm Holder
TalmhaíochtAverage Age of Holder
TalmhaíochtAgricultural Holdings
TalmhaíochtAverage Age of Holder
TalmhaíochtNumber of Farms
TalmhaíochtAgricultural Holdings
TalmhaíochtAgricultural Holdings
TalmhaíochtAgricultural Holdings
TalmhaíochtRenewable Energy Sources present on Holdings
TalmhaíochtFamily and Regular Non-Family Worker
TalmhaíochtAgricultural Holdings
TalmhaíochtThis service shows the datasets listed below. All datasets are in the ITM coordnate system. This data is subject to change and will be updated from time to time. Datasets included in this zip are - Life Sites and Millenium Forest Boundaries . Please refer to terms of use for...
TalmhaíochtThis dataset shows the Forest Entrance points to Coillte Properties. 29/01/2024 Use of data All data on this viewer is available to download and subject to the terms of use – by downloading the data you are agreeing to the terms of use. Data is in ITM format. You agree not to...
TalmhaíochtCoillte Forest Road and Bridge datasets Use of data All data on this viewer is available to download and subject to the terms of use – by downloading the data you are agreeing to the terms of use. Data is in ITM format. You agree not to copy, publish or use the data on another...
TalmhaíochtThe full name of this spatial dataset is Biodiversity Areas (BioClass). The dataset is designed, owned and managed by Coillte. Biodiversity areas are Coillte sites managed primarily for nature. Coillte first began mapping biodiversity areas on its estate in 2001, when...
TalmhaíochtThis zip file shows Coillte Felling Licence dataset. All data are in the ITM coordnate system. This data is subject to change and will be updated from time to time. Please refer to terms of use for this dataset before using. These are available below or on the Coillte Public...
TalmhaíochtThis service shows the datasets listed below. All datasets are in the ITM coordnate system. This data is subject to change and will be updated from time to time. Datasets included in this zip are - Business Area Units -Forest boundary - Property boundary - Compartment boundary...