HRD22 - Supports for daily living services identified as required by adults on NASSHIGH VALUEHealth Research BoardSláinteSupports for daily living services identified as required by adults on NASS
HRD21 - Overnight respite services identified as required by adults on NASSHIGH VALUEHealth Research BoardSláinteOvernight respite services identified as required by adults on NASS
HRD20 - Day respite services identified as required by adults on NASSHIGH VALUEHealth Research BoardSláinteDay respite services identified as required by adults on NASS
HRD19 - Residential services identified as required by adults on NASSHIGH VALUEHealth Research BoardSláinteResidential services identified as required by adults on NASS
SláinteCurrent adult specialist supports recorded on NASS
SláinteAge group of primary carer to adults on NASS
SláinteRelationship of the primary carer to adults on NASS
SláinteAdults on NASS living with their primary carer
HRD09 - Primary carer information for adults on NASS not living in a residential settingHIGH VALUEHealth Research BoardSláintePrimary carer information for adults on NASS not living in a residential setting
SláinteLiving arrangements of adults on NASS
SláinteOccupational status of adults on NASS
SláintePercentage of adults getting respite in CHO of residence
HRD05 - Comparison of CHO of residence and CHO of main respite service for adults, NASSHIGH VALUEHealth Research BoardSláinteComparison of CHO of residence and CHO of main respite service for adults, NASS
SláinteNumber of adult service users registered on NASS
SláintePrimary disability among adults on NASS
SláinteHSE Health Region Populations - Census 2022
HHR03 - Primary Care Reimbursement Service (PCRS) using Census 2022HIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeSláintePrimary Care Reimbursement Service (PCRS) using Census 2022
HHR04 - Department of Social Protection (DSP) using Census 2022HIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeSláinteDepartment of Social Protection (DSP) using Census 2022
SláinteDemographic Profile of HSE Health Regions
WBD09 - Percentage of persons aged 15 years and over that are satisfied with the way democracy wo...HIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeSláintePercentage of persons aged 15 years and over that are satisfied with the way democracy works in their own country, Spring