TimpeallachtDataset owned and provided by Environmental Protection Agency For further information on EPA Bathing Water go to; http://www.epa.ie/downloads/pubs/water/bathing/name,14677,en.html Bathing Water The Quality Of Bathing Water In Ireland 2006 Summary: Bathing water quality has...
TimpeallachtDataset owned and provided by Clare County Council June 2010 Dataset represents Clare Curragh survey data. Attributes contain 'Type' and 'Location Name'
TimpeallachtDataset created for use on Coastal Heritage viewer. OSi 1:50000 ferry routes were digitised.
Agreed boundary for Offshore Renewable Energy development between Ireland and Northern IrelandTimpeallachtTo facilitate the development of offshore renewable energy installations, the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of Ireland defined two boundary lines between Northern Ireland and Ireland. This is to clarify...
TimpeallachtThis dataset is used to examine a 35 year yellow eel survey to determine relative abundance trends while accounting for survey design, and important physical and operational covariates. Chains of ten, or sometimes 5, fyke nets were fished usually at fixed sites in four lakes...
The Glider Fionn (840) was deployed for the Seamonitor mission from 16/04/2021 to 13/06/2021. The glider was equipped with a Vemco VMT receiver to detect Salmon smolts. The raw data from this mission are available upon request. Fionn, is part of the SeaMonitor Interreg...
The Glider Fionn (840) was deployed for the Seamonitor mission from 18/05/2020 03/07/2020. The glider was been equipped with a Vemco VMT receiver. The flight plan was to transect an area between 58°32'49.01"N, 8°49'0.93"W and 58°32'49.77"N, 8°30'29.76"W for a period of 6...
This dataset of remote sensing reflectance measurements was collected as part of a Cullen Fellowship PhD between the National University of Ireland, Galway and the Marine Institute. The data was collected on the RV Celtic Explorer during scientific cruises CE19009 and CE19010...
This dataset contains the processed water temperature, salinity (derived from conductivity) and pressure data from CTD instruments from a pilot deep water mooring deployed at a site (15.52 degrees West, 52.999 degrees North) in the South Rockall Trough close to the M6...
This collection activity is the fourth deployment of the SmartBay Observatory. The Observatory was lifted on 25 August 2021 for maintenance and to add a Seabird CTplus sensor, and swap out the pCO2 sensor. The SmartBay Observatory in Galway Bay is an underwater observatory...
CE20011 Systematic Monitoring Survey of the Moira Mound Chain (SyMonS_MoM) 2020TimpeallachtThe SyMonS_MoM research cruise took place in September/October 2020 on board the RV Celtic Explorer in the North East Atlantic Ocean. The cruise (CE20011) had 5 objectives: Task 1.1 - ROV-mounted multibeam echosounder (Kongsberg EM2040). An EM2040 was integrated with a sound...
CE20009 Constraining the Impact of Arctic Amplification in the Nordic Sea: A biogeochemical appro...TimpeallachtCruise CIAAN (Constraining the Impact of Arctic Amplification in the Nordic Sea) was a 16 day interdisciplinary and multi-themed research cruise that took place on board the R.V. Celtic Explorer in August/September 2020, The cruise took a holistic approach to transform our...
CE18008 - Tectonic Ocean Spreading at the Charlie Gibbs Fracture Zone (TOSCA) - pCO2 dataTimpeallachtpCO2 is the partial pressure of CO2 in a liquid or gas. In oceanography, it is used to investigate carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolved in the surface layers of the ocean in order to better understand changes in ocean carbon chemistry and ocean acidification due to enhanced...
pCO2 is the partial pressure of CO2 in a liquid or gas. In oceanography, it is used to investigate carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolved in the surface layers of the ocean in order to better understand changes in ocean carbon chemistry and ocean acidification due to enhanced...
pCO2 is the partial pressure of CO2 in a liquid or gas. In oceanography, it is used to investigate carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolved in the surface layers of the ocean in order to better understand changes in ocean carbon chemistry and ocean acidification due to enhanced...
pCO2 is the partial pressure of CO2 in a liquid or gas. In oceanography, it is used to investigate carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolved in the surface layers of the ocean in order to better understand changes in ocean carbon chemistry and ocean acidification due to enhanced...
pCO2 is the partial pressure of CO2 in a liquid or gas. In oceanography, it is used to investigate carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolved in the surface layers of the ocean in order to better understand changes in ocean carbon chemistry and ocean acidification due to enhanced...
pCO2 is the partial pressure of CO2 in a liquid or gas. In oceanography, it is used to investigate carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolved in the surface layers of the ocean in order to better understand changes in ocean carbon chemistry and ocean acidification due to enhanced...
TimpeallachtThis survey, led by Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (DIAS) (Geophysics section) took place in September/October 2018 on board the RV Celtic Explorer in the North East Atlantic Ocean. This survey was part of the SEA-SEIS project (Structure, Evolution And Seismicity of...
CE17011 - Fisheries Acoustic Survey - The Western European Shelf Pelagic Acoustic Survey (WESPAS)...TimpeallachtpCO2 is the partial pressure of CO2 in a liquid or gas. In oceanography, it is used to investigate carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolved in the surface layers of the ocean in order to better understand changes in ocean carbon chemistry and ocean acidification due to enhanced...