This is a polygon dataset of the strategic noise mapping of roads, which were identified as those roads exceeding the flow threshold of 3 million passages per year, in the form of noise contours for the Lden (day) and Lnight (night) periods for Dublin and Cork agglomerations...
WFD Register of Protected Areas - Surface Water Bodies for Drinking WaterSláinteThese are the Drinking water surface water body polygons delineated in accordance with European Communities (Drinking Water) (No. 2) Regulations 2007 (SI no. 278/2007).
This is a polygon dataset of the strategic noise mapping of airports, in the form of noise contours for the Lden (day, evening, night) period for Dublin and Cork agglomeration's airports. The dB value represents the average decibel value during the Lden time. Any direct...
This is the results of the noise mapping (round 1) of Dublin Airport carried out for the EPA under EU Directive 2002/49/EC. The directive is implemented in Ireland by the Environmental Noise Regulations 2006 (SI 140/2006).
The Classified Bivalve Mollusc Production Areas in Ireland ( 2011/12) designates the production areas from which live bivalve molluscs may be taken. Gatherers may only harvest live bivalve molluscs from these production areas which have fixed locations and boundaries and...
This the results of the noise mapping (round 1) of the Dublin Agglomeration carried out for the EPA under EU Directive 2002/49/EC. The directive is implemented in Ireland by the Environmental Noise Regulations 2006 (SI 140/2006).
Water quality sample results for (a) identified bathing waters (beaches and lakes) under the Bathing Water Quality Directive 2006/7/EC which is implemented in Ireland through the Bathing Water Quality Regulations 2008, and (b) other monitored waters not managed under the...
This file contains variables from the Health Theme - Disabilities by Age Group that was produced by AIRO using data from the census unit at the CSO and the Northern Ireland Research and Statistics Agency (NISRA). This data was developed under the Evidence Based Planning theme...
This file contains variables from the Health Theme - Carers that was produced by AIRO using data from the census unit at the CSO and the Northern Ireland Research and Statistics Agency (NISRA). This data was developed under the Evidence Based Planning theme of the Ireland...
This is a polygon dataset of the strategic noise mapping of roads, which were identified as those roads exceeding the flow threshold of 3 million passages per year, in the form of noise contours for the Lnight (night) period for Dublin and Cork agglomerations and the major...
This is a polygon dataset of the strategic noise mapping of rail, which were identified as those rail exceeding the flow threshold of 30,000 vehicle passages per year, in the form of noise contours for the Lden (day) and Lnight (night) periods for Dublin and Cork...
The phytoplankton sample sites and phytoplankton counts coincide with finfish aquaculture sites and monitoring results include the following parameters; Sample Code, Location Code, Location Name, Location XY, Phytoplankton Species, Phytoplankton Count, Phytoplankton Biomass...
TimpeallachtInternational Council Exploration of the Sea (ICES) statistical rectangle boundary administrative units for offshore King Scallop monitoring and reporting. The ICES statistical rectangle boundaries used occur in the North Atlantic Ocean, Celtic Sea, Irish Sea, Saint Georges...
TimpeallachtThis dataset contains a register of Aquaculture Businesses listed obtained Fish Health Authorisation from the Marine Institute. All Registers are published and presented in accordance with the models outlined in COMMISSION DECISION 2008/392/EC of 30 April 2008 implementing...
This is a polygon dataset of the strategic noise mapping of airports, in the form of noise contours for the Lnight (night) period for Dublin and Cork agglomerations airports. The Db Value represents the average decibel value during the night time.
This is the results of the noise mapping (round 1) of the major railways carried for the EPA under EU Directive 2002/49/EC. The directive is implemented in Ireland by the Environmental Noise Regulations 2006 (SI 140/2006).
This dataset has no description
This dataset has no description
Central Statistics Office (CSO) publishes the Census 2006 results as interactive tables, compiled reports, community profiles, population maps and boundary files.
Central Statistics Office (CSO) publishes the Census 2011 results as interactive tables, compiled reports, community profiles, population maps and boundary files.