SDCC Traffic Data Collection Site Names. A detailed description of each column heading can be referenced below;scn: Site Serial numberregion: A group of Nodes that are operated under SCOOT control at the same common cycle time. Normally these will be nodes between which...
Small Public Service Vehicles
Dublin Bus Passenger Numbers by Month
Bicycle sharing scheme data for Dublin
IomparAverage weekly flow of Dublin Bus and Bus Éireann passengers
IomparAverage daily flow of Dublin Bus and Bus Éireann passengers
Summary of scheduled bus passenger services
Bus Éireann passenger numbers
Bus Éireann Fleet
Dublin Bus Fleet by Garage
New Private Cars Licensed for the First Time
Tonnage of Goods Handled
Tonnage of Goods Handled at Irish Ports
Port Visits Using Real-Time Shipping Data
Average Traffic Volume
Road Freight Activity
Number of Drivers with Penalty Points Recorded
Key Figures for Penalty Point Endorsement Notices
Number of Drivers by Cumulative Number of Penalty Points
Number of Drivers with Penalty Points