An acoustic survey targeting blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) spawning and post spawning aggregations in the north east Atlantic in 2005. Spawning takes place from January through to April along the shelf edge from the southern Porcupine Bank area northwards to the...
National University of Ireland sponsored cruise of the Porcupine Bank with a multi-disciplinary objective.
TimpeallachtIreland's territorial seabed reaches more than 600 miles out into the Atlantic Ocean to waters of more than 4,500 metres in depth. The objective of the Seabed Survey is to collect detailed bathymetry (water depth) data and gain knowledge of the nature of the seabed and its...
Annual Marine Institute fisheries section Blue Whiting survey in the North Atlantic Ocean.
Northwest Herring Acoustic Survey Blue Whiting Gear Trials. The aim of the cruise was to test the gear and report any problems encountered with fish handling/wet lab.
TimpeallachtAs part of a large HEA funded PTRLI cycle 3 marine program currently underway at NUI, Galway ,a Multi-disciplinary survey of the deep waters west and north of Porcupine Bank was carried out, involving hydrographic measurements (including mooring and float deployment), deep...
CTD or Conductivity Temperature Depth stations measure temperature, conductivity and depth of the water column at various depths from the surface to within 10m of the seafloor. A CTD is the oceanographic instrument used to determine the conductivity, temperature, and depth of...
TimpeallachtComplete dataset of selected Underway observations and measurements include sea surface temperature, sea surface salinity, raw fluorometer voltage, air temperature, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, vessel sounding and vessel navigation...
TimpeallachtThis survey took place on board the RV Celtic Explorer in February 2017 led by the Marine Institute. The south Rockall Trough cruise facilitates long-term monitoring of the deep water environment to the west of Ireland. Oceanographic data collected contributes to the Atlantic...
Nephrops norvegicus are common around the Irish coast, occurring in geographically distinct sandy or muddy areas where the sediment is suitable for construction of their burrow dwellings. The Marine Institute carries out Underwater TV surveys annually of commercially important...
This Illustrates the existence or planned presence of marine renewable energy sites (wind farm authorisations) in Irish waters, as catalogued and displayed by 4C Offshore and DP Energy. The features were digitized manually from visualisations of windfarm authorisations...
Archaeologically Significant Built Heritage in IrelandTimpeallachtThis contains records taken from the Archaeological Survey of Ireland (ASI) dataset, updated in 2018 and published from the National Monuments Service Sites and Monuments Record. The ASI has focused on recording monuments dating from before AD 1700, along with more recent...
TimpeallachtThe dataset was created by Land Use Consultants (LUC) and is based on The Royal Irish Academy Irish Historic Towns Atlas (https://www.ria.ie/sites/default/files/origins_of_towns_0.pdf). The Historic Towns Atlas displays towns of over 3000 inhabitants and urban district towns...
The Atlantic Ocean Research Alliance (AORA) between Canada, the European Union and the United States was launched by the signatories of the Galway Statement on Atlantic Ocean Cooperation in May 2013. This dataset is bathymetry data that was collected on various surveys from...
A requirement of the Water Framework Directive is that benthic macro-invertebrates must be sampled from coastal and transitional waters at least twice within a river basin cycle (6 years) in order to classify these waterbodies. Numerous samples will be taken from sites in...
The ROMS (Regional Ocean Modeling System) hydrodynamic model is run for a domain that covers the Irish waters in the northeast Atlantic. The ROMS model also includes two nested models with a horizontal resolution of 200-250m. The nested models are: Bantry Bay Model - Particle...
Water quality and meteorological data from the Lough Feeagh Automatic Water Quality Monitoring St...TimpeallachtLough Feeagh is a deep humic (brown coloured) lake, typical of many lakes in the west of Ireland. This dataset consists of data from the AWQMS (automatic water quality monitoring station) situated in Lough Feeagh, which is run as part of the Marine Institute’s BurrishooleLTER...
TimpeallachtThe area was identified by Fingal County Council and approved by An Bord Pleanála. It identified the features subject of the protection order.
The SmartBay Observatory in Galway Bay is an underwater observatory which uses cameras, probes and sensors to permit continuous and remote live underwater monitoring. It was installed in 2015 on the seafloor 1.5km off the coast of Spiddal, Co. Galway, Ireland at a depth of...
TimpeallachtThe AtlantOS aquaculture site selection product described here was derived from a physical model; validated by the In-situ ocean data. A number of variables (bathymetry, wind, wave and currents, exposure) were used to develop the product. The dataset avaialble here is a...