Preparing for the Open Data Directive

23 Márta 2021

Webinar - March 24th at 9.30am to 10.30am.   

The new “Open Data and Re Use of Public Sector Information (PSI)” Directive is due to be transposed into Irish law by July 2021. The inclusion of ‘Open Data’ in the title provides clarity and strengthens the requirement for public bodies to publish data in open formats.

It means that Public Service Bodies need to plan and execute concrete practical steps to comply with this Directive that will translate into realising the underlying benefits linked to Open Data in general and Data Sharing between Public Service Organisations.

In this one-hour Introduction Webinar, you will gain a practitioner perspective on the overall context linked to the directive, what it concretely means for Public Service Bodies and how to get ready for it with a practical tool to put to work for your organisation.


Register for the Webinar