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26 Meitheamh 2019
The text of the recast of the Open Data and Re Use of Public Service Information (PSI) Directive was formally adopted by the European Council in early June  and has now been published in the Official Journal at this...
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12 Meitheamh 2019
  The European Data portal on behalf of the EU Commission are carrying out research on the economic impact of open data and are looking for volunteers to complete a short questionnaire.  If you are a business that uses open data, please take 5 minutes...
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11 Meitheamh 2019
Blog by Ruairí O’Reilly, Lecturer, Department Of Computer Science, Cork Institute of Technology. CIT's Open Data Hackathon took place on Saturday 18 May in the Melbourne building in CIT. It was a great day that saw innovative ideas from shortening HSE...
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6 Meitheamh 2019
‘Place Engage’, a town hall brought to life through virtual reality, was announced as the winning team of Dublin’s First 3D City Data Hackathon which took place on the 10-12 May at 1 Windmill Lane, The Docklands.  The winning concept was based on an...
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28 Bealtaine 2019
My decision to submit a proposal to the Open Data Engagement Fund of visualising road traffic accidents in Dublin City came about because of my previous experience working in road accident research while employed in the National Roads Authority...
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27 Bealtaine 2019
Public servants are invited to make applications to a pilot competitive Fund which aims to support innovative ideas and projects from across public service organisations. The Fund aims to support innovative ideas from across Public Service...
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29 Aibreán 2019
In conjunction with the Open Data Engagement Fund, Cork Institute of Technology is hosting an Open Data Hackathon on Saturday 18 May. The Hackathon will bring together developers, product designers and enthusiasts who have an interest in combining...
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25 Aibreán 2019
  We are delighted to launch our Open Data Newsletter which we hope to issue on a regular basis so as to keep you up to date on upcoming events, latest news etc.  To view the the Newsletter and to subcribe to receive future issues, plese see here.    ...
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9 Aibreán 2019
  Dublin’s first 3D city data hack takes place from the 10-12 May at 1 Windmill Lane, The Docklands.  This Hackathon aims to engage anyone with an interest in 3D data and the built environment, from those working with BIM (Building Information...
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4 Aibreán 2019
The Open Data Impact Series, organised by Derilinx, in collaboration with the Open Data Unit of the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform promotes awareness, adoption and use of Open Data in different sectors, and supports the publication of...
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21 Márta 2019
The Valuation Office is pleased to announce the release of an Open Data API The REST Web Services API provides a REST interface to retrieve Valuation Office data in real time in relation to...
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4 Márta 2019
Even for a seasoned developer, learning a new system from documentation alone can be an unappetising proposition. With the launch of a series of Jupyter Notebooks in the Developer’s Corner of, developers can now refactor and run their own...
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4 Márta 2019
OSi have launched a free GeoHive story map developed as a joint venture between the National Council for Special Education (NCSE) and the Department of Education & Skills (DES). The School Information Map provides the locations of schools, contact...
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5 Feabhra 2019
Maynooth University Library is marking 'Love Data' week for the second time this February with a series of talks and workshops by data specialists from on and off campus.  A Building City Dashboards VR demo will take place on the 13th and there will...
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5 Feabhra 2019
Can you re-use open data to promote innovative services? Can you solve other societal challenges using it? Can you create mobile or web apps using open data from different information sources? If yes, the EU Datathon 2019 is for you! The EU Datathon...
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31 Eanáir 2019
International Open Access week took place from October 22 to 28th 2018 with the theme of the week being ‘designing equitable foundations for open knowledge’. To celebrate Open Access week and introduce the principles of Open Data a one day interactive...
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2 Eanáir 2019
  The National Transport Authority has provided an update on the availability of the RTPI API - see below. Please find a schedule of proposed times when the open source Real Time API will be made available in January 2019. The API BI stats are showing...
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18 Nollaig 2018
The Open Data Team welcome the announcement by the European Commission that Ireland has achieved first place in its Open Data Maturity assessment, for the second year in a row. According to the assessment of Open Data maturity in Europe for 2018,...
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11 Nollaig 2018
On the 6th and 7th of December 2018, a tailored workshop organized by representatives of the European Data Portal (EDP) took place in Prague, Czech Republic. The workshop is a tailored support activity by EDP around Linked Open Data where public data...
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6 Nollaig 2018
Following a call for expressions of interest, Minister Patrick O'Donovan has appointment the following to the Open Data Governance Board Mr. Seamus Murphy, Chief Digital Officer, AIB Mr Martin Quigley, Head of the Affordable Childcare Scheme, Pobal...
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5 Nollaig 2018
  Upcoming event on Linked Open Statistical Data in the European Union On 14 and 15 January 2019, trailblazers from National Statistical Institutes from across the European Statistical System will host a two day event in London, which will: - provide...
Nuacht is Déanaí

Ireland Continued Excellence in the…

Ceardlann AE do Sholáthraithe Sonraí i bPáras

EU Workshop for Data Providers in Paris

Shainghrúpa maidir le Sonraí Rialtais…

OECD Expert Group on Open Government Data

Déan cuardach ar Thacair sonraí
Lean Orainn