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This dataset has no description
RialtasThe Houses of the Oireachtas are providing these APIs to allow our datasets to be retrieved and reused as widely as possible. They are intended to be used in conjunction with https://data.oireachtas.ie, from where our datasets can be accessed directly. By using the APIs, users...
TithíochtThe National Planning Application Database provides spatial and tabular data on planning applications in Ireland. This data can also be viewed at https://data-housinggovie.opendata.arcgis.com/
This data set contains the number of Bike Rentals in Fingal County Council from 2022-2024 inclusive its now achieved see Bike Share Figures 2025-2028_FCC You don’t need to own a bike to get cycling you can sign up for Bleeper or Tier and unlock a bike or e bike to use whenever...
FuinneamhThe data in this is Dog Licensee's that shows the number of annual and Lifetime License's purchased in Fingal County Council. A yearly License costs €20 and a Lifetime License costs €140. We will continue to promote the requirement for a Dog License. It is a legal requirement...
This data set contains the Elected Member of Fingal County Council Councilors Allowance and Expenses from 2024- 2027 inclusive. See other in relation to same Councilor's Allowance & Expenses 2009-2014_FCC, Councilor's Allowance & Expenses 2015-2017_FCC Councilors...
Performance metrics for by year Total Referrals - No. of Preliminary Enquiries Completed in 5 Working Days
Total Referrals - No. of Referrals that required an Initial Assessment after Preliminary Enquiry ...NUATuslaSláintePerformance metrics for by year Total Referrals - No. of Referrals that required an Initial Assessment after Preliminary Enquiry
No. of Children Referred and who Received a Service - Subject of Single Agency Family Support Pla...NUATuslaSláintePerformance metrics for by year No. of Children Referred and who Received a Service - Subject of Single Agency Family Support Plan
No. of Children Referred and who Received a Service – Subject to a Child in Care Plan 2024NUATuslaSláintePerformance metrics for by year No. of Children Referred and who Received a Service – Subject to a Child in Care Plan
Performance metrics for by year No. of Children Referred to Family Support Services by Other Tusla Officer
SláintePerformance metrics for by year Child Abuse Referrals - No. of Initial Assessments Completed in 40 Working Days
SláintePerformance metrics for by year Child Welfare Referrals - No. of Initial Assessments Completed in 40 Working Days
Performance metrics for by year No. of Family Support Providers Commissioned Internal to Tusla
Performance metrics for by year No. of Family Support Providers Commissioned External to Tusla
SláintePerformance metrics for by year Child Welfare Referrals - No. of Preliminary Enquiries Completed in 5 working days
Performance metrics for by year No. of Children Referred to Family Support Services by Other Source
SláintePerformance metrics for by year No. of Referrals - Child Welfare
Performance metrics for by year Child Abuse Referrals - Number that had a Preliminary Enquiry