SláinteDegree of concern and interest others show in what you are doing
SláinteDegree of concern and interest others show in what you are doing
IH170 - Number of persons they are close enough to that they could count on, if they had a seriou...SláinteNumber of persons they are close enough to that they could count on, if they had a serious problem
IH169 - Number of persons they are close enough to that they could count on, if they had a seriou...SláinteNumber of persons they are close enough to that they could count on, if they had a serious problem
IH168 - Number of persons they are close enough to that they could count on, if they had a seriou...SláinteNumber of persons they are close enough to that they could count on, if they had a serious problem
IH167 - Number of persons they are close enough to that they could count on, if they had a seriou...SláinteNumber of persons they are close enough to that they could count on, if they had a serious problem
IH166 - Number of persons they are close enough to that they could count on, if they had a seriou...SláinteNumber of persons they are close enough to that they could count on, if they had a serious problem
Persons aged 65 and older
IH165 - Number of persons they are close enough to that they could count on, if they had a seriou...SláinteNumber of persons they are close enough to that they could count on, if they had a serious problem
Current Health Care Expenditure
SláinteRevised Health Care Expenditure
SláinteCurrent Health Care Expenditure
SláinteReconciliation of HSE Gross Expenditure
Current Health Care Expenditure (Euro Million)
The EPA’s Remedial Action List (RAL) is a register of public water supplies with the most serious deficiencies and known to be most at risk, where the EPA is requiring Irish Water to take corrective action to ensure the safety and security of the supplies by a specified date.
TimpeallachtThe aim of the Shellfish Waters Directive is to protect or improve shellfish waters in order to support shellfish life and growth. It is designed to protect the aquatic habitat of bivalve and gastropod molluscs, which include oysters, mussels, cockles, scallops and clams. The...
E-PRTR data covering reporting for 2007 to 2018 by EU Member States, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Serbia and Switzerland.
This is the results of the noise mapping (round 3) of Dublin and Cork Airport carried out for the EPA under EU Directive 2002/49/EC. The directive is implemented in Ireland by the Environmental Noise Regulations 2006 (SI 140/2006).
These are the results of the noise mapping (round 3) of the Dublin and Cork Agglomerations carried out for the EPA under EU Directive 2002/49/EC. The directive is implemented in Ireland by the Environmental Noise Regulations 2006 (SI 140/2006).
INSPIRE Strategic noise maps. Noise contour map for major railways – LdenTimpeallachtThis is a polygon dataset of the strategic noise mapping of rail, which were identified as those rail exceeding the flow threshold of 30,000 vehicle passages per year, in the form of noise contours for the Lden (day, evening, night) period for Dublin and Cork agglomerations...