Oideachas agus Spórt
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This dataset contains data from the Council’s Annual Budget. The budget is comprised of Tables A to F and Appendix 1. Each table is represented by a separate data file. Table C is the Calculation of the Annual Rate on Valuation for the Financial Year for Balbriggan Town...
This dataset contains data from the Council’s Annual Budget. The budget is comprised of Tables A to F and Appendix 1. Each table is represented by a separate data file. Table B is the Expenditure and Income for the Budget Year and Estimated Outturn for the previous Year. It...
This dataset contains data from the Council’s Annual Budget. The budget is comprised of Tables A to F and Appendix 1. Each table is represented by a separate data file. Table D is the Analysis of Budget Income from Goods and Services. It contains – ‘Income’ for Goods and...
This dataset contains data from the Council’s Annual Budget. The budget is comprised of Tables A to F and Appendix 1. Each table is represented by a separate data file. Table E is the Analysis of Budget Income from Grants and Subsidies. Section 1 of Table E contains Income...
This dataset contains data from the Council’s Annual Budget. The budget is comprised of Tables A to F and Appendix 1. Each table is represented by a separate data file. Table A is the Calculation of the Annual Rate on Valuation for the Financial Year. It is comprised of a...
Westmeath Athlone Local Area Plan 2014-2020. Extended to 2021 enabling completion of the review process. Westmeath County Council provides this information with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct or complete. Westmeath County Council accepts no...
TimpeallachtWestmeath Mullingar Local Area Plan 2014-2020 Land Use Zoning. Extended to 2021 enabling completion of the review process. Westmeath County Council provides this information with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct or complete. Westmeath County...
Tithíocht2014 Planning Applications in Ireland, organised by city and county
A Commencement Notice (CN) is a notification to a Building Control Authority (BCA) that a person intends to carry out either works or a Material Change of Use to which the Building Regulations apply. The notice must be given to the authority not more than 28 days and not less...
BCMS Commencement Notices - Single Residential Units 2014TithíochtA Commencement Notice (CN) is a notification to a Building Control Authority (BCA) that a person intends to carry out either works or a Material Change of Use to which the Building Regulations apply. The notice must be given to the authority not more than 28 days and not less...
TithíochtPlanning applications, decisions and refusals 1992-2014. This data also includes grants and grant rates. Up to and including 2008, this data was collected quarterly. After 2009, this data was collected on an annual basis.
Westmeath Athlone Local Area Plan 2014-2020. Extended to 2021 enabling completion of the review process. Westmeath County Council provides this information with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct or complete. Westmeath County Council accepts no...
Westmeath Mullingar Local Area Plan 2014-2020 Land Use Zoning. Extended to 2021 enabling completion of the review process. Westmeath County Council provides this information with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct or complete. Westmeath County...
Tá briseadh síos sa doiciméad ar na ríomh Cánach Gnóthachan Caipitiúil don Fhoirm 11s agus CG1s (Tuairisceán agus Féinmheasúnú Cánach Gnóthachan Caipitiúil) tíolactha do na blianta 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 agus 2020.
Briseadh síos ar fháltais agus toirteanna mháil de réir na ráithe agus de réir míosa le haghaidh tobac agus alcóil
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RialtasThis document provides a breakdown of the distribution of the number of income earners, the total taxable income and tax, by tax band for married, single and widowed income tax cases for 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018