Oideachas agus SpórtPlaying Pitches with shape file mapping showing all types, basketball, bowling, golf, bowling green and all weather, 5 a side etc. within Fingal County Council
Oideachas agus SpórtListing of Leisure Facilities within Fingal County Council with Longitude and Latitude
Oideachas agus SpórtFingal Sports and Recreation Facilities Audit for the Local Electoral Areas of Balbriggan, Swords, Rush - Lusk, February 2021 Further information www.fingal.ie/sports-and-recreation-facilities-audit Date Range February 2021 Once Off Audit
Oideachas agus SpórtThe CSV file contains the games pitches under the control of DLRCoCo. It includes grass and synthetic surfaces. Sports included are GAA, Soccer, Rugby and others. It includes a number, size and its location (Lat/Long). A link to the DLRCoCo pitch playability notice is also...