TimpeallachtThe EU Birds Directive (79/409/EEC) requires designation of SPAs for: listed rare and vulnerable species; regularly occurring migratory species, such as ducks, geese and waders; wetlands, especially those of international importance, which attract large numbers of migratory...
Article 12 Birds Directive Reporting 2013-2018 Dataset SeriesTimpeallachtMaps of breeding birds distributions mapped using a 10x10 km grid associated with Article 12 Birds Directive report on the implementation of national provisions for the period 2013 to 2018 and submitted in 2019. The Birds Directive (Directive 2009/147/EC) came into force in...
Seabird Monitoring undertaken during the Celtic Sea Herring Acoustic Survey (CSHAS) 2019TimpeallachtIrish waters represent one of the most important marine habitats for seabirds in Europe and are utilized by a wide range of seabird species. However, the at-sea abundance and distribution of many of the seabird species occurring in Irish waters remains poorly understood. Under...
Seabird Monitoring undertaken during the Celtic Sea Herring Acoustic Survey (CSHAS) 2020TimpeallachtIrish waters represent one of the most important marine habitats for seabirds in Europe and are utilized by a wide range of seabird species. However, the at-sea abundance and distribution of many of the seabird species occurring in Irish waters remains poorly understood. Under...
Seabird Monitoring undertaken during the Western European Shelf Pelagic Acoustic Survey (WESPAS) ...TimpeallachtA seabird survey during the annual Western European Shelf Pelagic Acoustic Survey (WESPAS), running from 13th of June to 4th of July and the 4th to 24th July 2019. A standard line transect survey methodology was employed by the seabird survey team with additional visual point...
Seabird Monitoring undertaken during the Western European Shelf Pelagic Acoustic Survey (WESPAS) ...TimpeallachtIrish waters represent one of the most important marine habitats for seabirds in Europe, utilized by a wide range of seabird species. However, the at-sea abundance and distribution of many of the seabird species occurring in Irish waters remains poorly understood. Under the EU...
Seabird Monitoring undertaken during the Celtic Sea Herring Acoustic Survey (CSHAS) 2022TimpeallachtUnder the EU Birds Directive, there is a requirement on member states to conduct surveillance of seabirds occurring within their waters. A standard line transect survey methodology was employed by the seabird observer with additional visual point sampling at fishing locations...
Seabird Monitoring undertaken during the Blue Whiting Acoustic Survey (BWAS) 2021TimpeallachtThe purpose of this project was to count seabird species occurring in Irish waters. A standard line transect survey methodology was employed by the seabird observer with additional visual point sampling at fishing locations and oceanographic sampling stations during the Blue...
Seabird Monitoring undertaken during the Western European Shelf Pelagic Acoustic Survey (WESPAS) ...TimpeallachtUnder the EU Birds Directive, there is a requirement on member states to conduct surveillance of seabirds occurring within their waters. A standard line transect survey methodology was employed by the seabird observer with additional visual point sampling at fishing locations...
Seabird Monitoring undertaken during the Celtic Sea Herring Acoustic Survey (CSHAS) 2021TimpeallachtIrish waters represent one of the most important marine habitats for seabirds in Europe and are utilized by a wide range of seabird species. However, the at-sea abundance and distribution of many of the seabird species occurring in Irish waters remains poorly understood. Under...
This dataset represents a snapshot of Special Protection Areas taken in September 2016 for the purpose of the WFD RBMP Cycle 2. The EU Birds Directive (79/409/EEC) requires designation of SPAs for listed rare and vulnerable species, regularly occurring migratory species, such...
This dataset represents a subset of Special Protection Areas that have protected water species. Detail on the water dependencies of protected species was provided by National Parks and Wildlife Service. This snapshot was taken of this subset of national SPAs for the purpose of...
Article 12 Birds Directive Reporting 2008-2012 Dataset SeriesTimpeallachtThe Birds Directive (Directive 2009/147/EC) came into force in Ireland in 1981. Article 12 of this directive requires Member States to report on the implementation of national provisions taken under this Directive including specific reporting on status and trends of bird...
Under Article 4 of the Birds Directive (Directive 2009/ 147/EC) six Special Protection Areas (SPAs), covering a total land area of c.1,671km² has been classified for the conservation of the Hen Harrier Circus cyaneus in Ireland. A survey of breeding Hen Harrier reported that...